Evaluasi Tugas Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja Dalam Penertiban Reklame Di Kecamatan Tampan Pekanbaru
Evaluation, Policy, BillboardsAbstract
Pekanbaru City Civil Service Police Unit in government affairs in the field of peace and public order as well as community protection in the effort to enforce the regulation of billboards, this has not been done to the fullest so billboards appear to still be in violation of the established rules. Implementation of the achievement of the duties of the Pekanbaru City Civil Service Police Unit in Ordering the Billboard through consistency, transparency, accountability, fairness, participation, evektivenesess and efficiency. The purpose of this study was to find out the role of the civil service police unit and its evaluation of the publication of advertisements in Pekanbaru city. The research method used is a quantitative method. Research results of consistency indicators in the moderately implemented category, with a percentage value of 58%. The tranaparency indicator in the shave category was achieved with a percentage value of 84%. The accountability indicator is in the moderately implemented category with a value of 54%. The justice indicator in the category is quite implemented with a percentage value of 55.5%, The participation indicator in the category is quite implementef with a percentage value of 46%, The effectiveness indicator in the category is quite implemented with a percentage value of 56%, The efficiency indicator is quite successful with a value of 56%.