Inovasi Aplikasi Buku Tamu Digital Di Dinas Komunikasi Informatika Statistik Dan Persandian Kota Pekanbaru


  • Tegar Adi Prayoga Universitas Islam Riau
  • Eko Handrian Universitas Islam Riau


Innovation, Digital Guestbook Application


This research was carried out to determine the quality of application innovation towards public satisfaction in using the application provided by the information communication office, statistics and the city of Pekanbaru. This type of research uses descriptive with a quantitative method where primary data is obtained through observation, documentation and distribution of questionnaires to 32 respondents, and sample withdrawal techniques using accidental sampling techniques, and secondary data is obtained through interviews with the communication service. In this research, researchers use the theory of innovation which has five dimensions of research indicators, namely relative benefits, conformity, complexity, the possibility of being tried and ease of being observed. The results of this study show that the digital guestbook application has a "Good enough" quality, because the digital guestbook has been well executed because it has helped the public in the needs of the community in the Digital Guestbook application users feel quite satisfied with the innovation of the online digital guestbook application provided through the application, and in the innovation of this application there are still some problems in the real time photo capture feature that aims to validate the attendance of visitors for potential data manipulation and visitor data cannot be stored correctly into the database or intended storage.


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