
  • Journal Economic Well-Being Universitas Islam Riau


Welfare is a goal to be achieved in the economy. In Islam, welfare is the right of each individual people (ummah), and the state's obligation to make it happen. When this condition is not felt by the people (the people), it is an indication that the people and the state are facing serious problems and a fundamental solution is needed to overcome these problems. In an Islamic perspective, the solution is none other than returning to the totality of the application of syara' law (Islamic law) in life, including by conducting muzakki education so that there is an increase in awareness in carrying out the obligations of the assets entrusted to him by Allah, through the distribution of zakat on assets (zakatu al-maal). When the awareness of muzakki increases and is strengthened by the government's role in the management of zakat, automatically zakat will become one of the economic instruments in realizing the welfare of the people. This research is literacy research or literature review. Research that examines or critically reviews knowledge, ideas, or findings contained in the body of academic-oriented literature, as well as formulating theoretical and methodological contributions to certain topics. From the research it was concluded that normatively, the government's role in zakat management is a reflection of two roles, namely as the sole manager of the economy and giving sanctions to muzakki who refuse to pay zakat. Currently, the government's role is ineffective, due to three reasons, namely; (1) the Islamic economic education curriculum is partial, incomplete and comprehensive, (2) the existing Zakat Law is less than ideal, and (3) the application of Islam is not totality in society. This is due to the implementation of Islam, including the implementation of the Zakat Law which is not in its habitat, namely the capitalistic system. The existing Zakat Law should be applied in the Islamic system. The application of the Islamic system through the six steps outlined in Islam, both tactical and strategic, will create a prosperous society.


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