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Peer Review Process |
Publication Ethics |
Plagiarism Check |
Plagiarism Check
The editors will run a plagiarism check using Turnitin for the submitted manuscripts before sending it to reviewers. We do not process any plagiarised contents. If a manuscript has over 25% of plagiarism based on the result of Turnitin check, we will send back the manuscript to the author to be revised for the plagiarised content.
Screening for Plagiarism
- Plagiarism and self-plagiarism are not permitted;
- Authors must ensure that they have written the entire original work, and that if the author has used the work and/or words of others that the work has been appropriately cited or quoted;
- An author should generally not publish manuscripts describing essentially the same research in more than one journal or primary publication. Submitting the same manuscript to more than one journal simultaneously is unethical and unacceptable publishing behavior;
- Proper recognition of the work of others should always be given. Authors should cite publications that were influential in determining the nature of the work reported.
Work process:
- The Editorial Team checks manuscripts on offline and online databases manually (checking correct citations and citations);
- The Editorial Team checks the manuscript using Turnitin. If indications of plagiarism are found (more than 15%), the board will immediately reject the manuscript.