The effect of Social Media Marketing Activities in Customer’s Response and Customer Satisfaction in Digital World


  • Alemayehu Bakalo Jimma University
  • Chalchissa Jimma University


The main goal of this study was to assess the effect of social media marketing activities on customer response and customer satisfaction in the digital world. This study employed a systematic review methodology, with 42 from 2017 to 2023 existing articles completed on SMMA and customers' intention and satisfaction based on an inclusion/exclusion criterion. The method used to collect data was a systematic strategy, and the obtained data were analyzed using content analysis. Collected were from Emerald, Google Scholar, Research Gate, Wiley online library, Tyler, and Francis. The findings of this study were collected using a thematic method, which involved extracting previous researchers' findings from the literature, classifying similar themes and findings, and drawing conclusions. According to the findings of this review, SMMA Commercialization, entertainment, and promotions have the highest effect on trust and loyalty. Social SMMA influences brand loyalty and brand awareness. SMMA helps sellers inspire consumers with social, reward, and empowerment incentives, which can influence customer behavioral outcomes such as acquisition intention, loyalty intention, and participation intention. The review recommends that businesses capitalize on social media's impact on customer purchasing decisions by encouraging engagement, improving product quality, offering fair prices, and focusing on social media content. Analytics tools can track user behavior, and providing feedback is crucial for establishing SM's credible customer relationship Management Avenue. Socialization motivation, exclusive deals, and timely responses can boost customer confidence and online purchases. Future researchers should undertake test experimental designs to measure social media marketing's impact on customer response and satisfaction, explore consumer perceptions of information overload, analyze longitudinal studies, examine moderator roles, and improve SMM efforts


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