Design of a Monitoring System for Fertilizing Palm Oil Trees Based on Internet of Things for Measurements Soil PH


  • Rino Ferdian Surakusumah Department of Medical Electronics Engineering Technology, Al Insyirah Institute of Health Science and Technology, Pekanbaru, Indonesia 28289
  • Nani Lasiyah Department of Medical Electronics Engineering Technology, Al Insyirah Institute of Health Science and Technology, Pekanbaru, Indonesia 28289
  • Romi Mulyadi Department of Medical Electronics Engineering Technology, Al Insyirah Institute of Health Science and Technology, Pekanbaru, Indonesia 28289
  • Ramdhani Syahputra Department of Medical Electronics Engineering Technology, Al Insyirah Institute of Health Science and Technology, Pekanbaru, Indonesia 28289


Palm oil is one of the country's foreign exchange contributors. In Indonesia, palm oil is used as a raw material for producing oil, such as cooking oil, industrial oil and fuel. Palm oil plays an important role in the oil sector industry, but to get the best yields it is necessary to pay attention to soil pH conditions. Therefore, a monitoring system was made on the fertilization of oil palm trees based on soil potential of hydrogen (pH) measurements based on the Internet of Things (IoT). This system can determine the value of soil pH levels and soil moisture with the help of system tools in the form of sensors to display the value of levels to the Licquid Crystal Display (LCD). The value of the content that has been read from the LCD will enter the owner's smartphone in the form of a blynk application to monitor the plant. Sensors installed on system tools in the form of soil pH sensors and soil moisture sensors. The components needed to build an IoT system are microcontrollers, solar cells, battery management systems, batteries, stepdowns, LCDs. After testing and data collection, pH sensors have a good correlation with levels 4-5 and humidity sensors with levels of 65-80%. So that with this system, it can help plant owners find out the condition of soil pH and soil moisture through the blynk application and can be implemented in oil palm plants.


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