The Phenomenon Hedonism On Instagram

The Phenomenon Hedonism On Instagram


  • Aulia Halim Universitas Islam Riau
  • Fatmawati Moekahar Universitas Islam Riau


Phenomenon, Hedonism, Instagram


Students are a category of teenagers who are known for their unstable nature and often don't want to give in to following trends. They always make fashion something they want to show off on their social media. This research aims to observe and research the phenomenon of the hedonistic lifestyle on Instagram social media (study of students in Pekanbaru). This research uses descriptive qualitative. Informants were taken using purposive sampling, namely based on certain considerations and criteria. The data analysis technique in this research uses data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of this research explain that there are 3 aspects of the hedonistic lifestyle of Pekanbaru students, namely the Activity aspect, namely often sharing posts about traveling, hanging out, shopping, hobbies for luxury vehicles as a form of their existence on social media. In the Interest aspect as a form of entertainment for themselves, namely tourist mobility, socialization space, demonstrations of the vehicles they use on social media, and visiting entertainment venues such as music concerts. In the aspect of Opinion or opinion, the informant is of the opinion that hedonism is a person whose lifestyle is excessive or is called materialistic, having material goods is considered to provide instant pleasure and satisfaction, such as often buying things that are popular so that they don't look out of date (fomo)


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