Analysis Of The Spill Outfit Trend On Tiktok To Teenagers Fashion Interest In Pekanbaru

Analysis Of The Spill Outfit Trend On Tiktok To Teenagers Fashion Interest In Pekanbaru


  • Zarvania Elvira Putri Universitas Islam Riau
  • Ivan Taufiq Universitas Islam Riau


Tiktok Social Media, Spill Outfit Trend, Interest


The internet has become an inseparable part of human life. The internet makes it easier to disseminate information throughout the world and can help all forms of human life. One of the most widely used forms of progress from the internet today is social media, especially Tiktok social media. The high level of use of Tiktok social social media has given rise to many new trends or habits that come from content through the FYP (For Your Page) page. Departing from these various trends, this study aims to analyze one of the existing trends, namely the spill outfit trend towards teenage fashion interests in Pekanbaru. This research uses a phenomenological approach conducted with observation, interview and documentation techniques. hen the informant is determined by purposive sampling technique which consists of several criteria that the researcher has determined. The results of this study indicate that the use of media, which was originally only as an entertainment medium, turned into a medium for finding outfit references after seeing spill outfit shows. Media can have an effect on its users in accordance with the media effect conveyed by Effendi (2003). The presence of the spill outfit trend on Tiktok social media is proven to have an effect on its users so that it can influence interest after seeing the spill outfit content show.


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