#SHOPEEHAUL Tiktok Content Exposure On Student's Purchase Decisions In Pekanbaru City
Media Exposure, Content Exposure, TikTok, Shopee Haul, Buying DecisionsAbstract
The changes in communities’ habits which occurred during the pandemic of Covid-19 in ways of shopping, looking for entertainment, and interacting made the TikTok application a new trend of interest to all. This trend emerged in various types of content, one of which is #shopeehaul content which contains product reviews from Shopee. This research aims to determine how significant the #shopeehaul TikTok content exposure is on the buying decision of students in Pekanbaru City. This research uses the S-O-R theory with stimulus assumption (message) given to an organization that will raise a response. The research method used is quantitative, with samples of 100 people—the sample collection was conducted with the method of non-probability sampling with the use of a purposive sampling technique. The causal relationship in this research was carried out by simple regression analysis. The obtained research result is that the #shopeehaul TikTok content exposure significantly influences the buying decision of students in Pekanbaru City by as much as 41.4%, and the relationship between variables has a strong and positive relationship of 0.643. The t-test result in this research is t count > t table = 8,322 > 1,987, meaning H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. Thus, buying decisions can occur because of the high frequency of watching content where the public is exposed to the messages of the content every day, making the information from the content to be always seen, heard, and eventually absorbed.
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