Social Media Activism Through Instagram @asiapasificrayon In Sustainable Fashion Campaign

Social Media Activism Through Instagram @asiapasificrayon In Sustainable Fashion Campaign


  • Dhea Maharani
  • Muhd Ar. Imam Riauan
  • Amelia Fitri Univesitas Islam Riau


Social Media Activism, Instagram, Sustainable Fashion Campaign


Sustainable fashionis a fashion product that aims to invite Indonesian people to preserve the environment. The Asia Pacific Rayon (APR) company uses Instagram social media as a communication tool with its target audience. The purpose of this study is to determine how APR's social media activities spread sustainable fashion. This study uses the theory of the circular model of SOME (Share, Optimize, Manage, Engage). This study uses a descriptive qualitative method with data collection techniques in the form of interviews, observations and documentation. The subjects of this study consisted of the Instagram account @asiapacificrayon. The object of this study is the Instagram social media activity @asiapacificrayon in the sustainable fashion campaign. Data analysis techniques are carried out in 3 steps, namely data reduction, data display, and drawing conclusions and data verification. The results of this study indicate that at the share stage, APR spreads its content through feeds, reels and stories. In addition, it is also distributed to social media ambassadors and internal company groups. At the optimize stage, APR tries to optimize content by finalizing ideas and content concepts. In addition, APR also uses Instagram ads to optimize its content. At the manage stage, APR organizes, manages and monitors content using content pillars. At the engage stage, APR has understood the importance of finding out the target audience by using collaboration and influencers.


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Received 2024-11-16
Accepted 2024-11-17
Published 2024-11-18