
  • Kurniadi
  • Syafrinaldi
  • Thamrin S


Environmental law and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are very important
and related to each other, especially in Indonesia. For achieving the SDGs, law environment
very importance, and role law national very useful, so that it happens continuity source Power
nature, esp environment in Indonesia. Regulation Indonesian national laws, such as the
Constitution Environment 2009 and its derivative regulations, offer a framework clear work to
protect source power, nature, and the environment. Regulations This naturally supports the
initiative of government to reach a sustainable system in the SDG context. So that sustainability
life walk period long. Aligned with the draft, it is connected with industry. Palm oil, with lots
of it growing and developing in Indonesia, already should be an be an industry. This is tied to
the concept of the of the SDGs: to reduce waste as well as get used to thinking innovatively, so
you can do it to increase economy, then need to utilize shell palm.
So, identify the problem. How utilization of shell palm oil in Indonesia, views from a
glass law environment To increase the economy.
The research method used, namely normative law and study library, used approach
concepts and regulations and legislation.
The result found that the utilization shell palm oil in Indonesia is viewed from a glass
law environment. To increase the economy, namely something innovative, the Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) really are tightly tied to the management of shell palm oil,
especially in Indonesia. SDGs can be achieved through the utilization or management of shell
palm in a sustainable manner. Shell management sustainable palm oil will be able to muffle
emissions of carbon with the use energy as a supporting action for climate change, which
becomes one of the one of the SDGs goals. Moreover possible can increase field decent work,
improvement income, and increase well-being public local.


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How to Cite

Kurniadi, Syafrinaldi, & Thamrin S. (2024). UTILIZATION OF PALM SHELLS FROM ENVIRONMENTAL LEGAL PERSPECTIVE TO IMPROVE THE ECONOMY. International Conference On Law And Social Sciences. Retrieved from https://journal.uir.ac.id/index.php/icolss/article/view/18756