About the Journal

Business Law Journal(BLJ) is a journal initiated by the Department of Business Law, Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Riau. The aim is to facilitate scientific and professional discussions about the latest developments and to publish legal research in innovative business fields. Published in Indonesian and English. This journal basically contains any topic about business law. However, the novelty of the problem is a priority in assistance. The range of content covered by this journal covers business law, economic law as well as various updates for legal studies such as legal change and others. Learning the laws of various kinds of life such as commercial law and the like are also questionable. Recommended articles by the Editor on research issues to be discussed will be discussed in the editorial board meetings for each volume. The article to be published is expected to be sent three months before publication. Journal publications are published in March, July, and November (6 articles in each issue, or 18 articles per volume).