
  • Mohamad Sapari Dwi Hadian Geological Engineering Department, Padjadjaran University, Bandung-Sumedang Highway, Jatinangor 45363, Indonesia


Geopark, Geodiversity, Merangin, Jambi Flora


Jambi is rich in natural resources  , in the face of climate change risks such as rising temperatures, changes in rainfall, and sea level rise. Despite its geological wealth and cultural heritage, tourism in Jambi, especially in the Merangin Geopark area, is still undeveloped due to inadequate facilities and infrastructure, with a variety of geological potentials of the Merangin Geopark, highlighting geological wonders and fossils dating back 300 million years. The purpose of this study is to offer solutions for the development of the Merangin Geopark and the management of fossil "Jambi Flora" along the Merangin River.  In addition the area has enormous biodiversity and cultural diversity significance and contributes to geotourism, emphasizing the need for sustainable development.  Air Batu Village in the Merangin Geopark is an example of local wisdom initiated by the local community, establishing local economic growth with cultural preservation. Its residents depend on agriculture while striving to improve their livelihoods.  The geological and cultural diversity of the area, represented by ancient fossils and traditional structures, such as historic wooden houses and the Baitul Ikhsan mosque, is of substantial value. However, disaster management regarding these heritage sites remains fragmented. Efforts toward preservation include the maintenance of biodiversity, ecosystems, and cultural artifacts. Such conservation practices aim to protect and extend the life of these precious resources, especially rare and precious collections in libraries and museums


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How to Cite

Hadian, M. S. D. (2024). THE HOPE PRESERVATION OF GEODIVERSITY AND CULTURE OF MERANGIN JAMBI FOR GEOTOURISM DEVELOPMENT IN AIR BATU VILLAGE . Journal of Urban Regional Planning and Sustainable Environment, 3(01). Retrieved from