Can Integrated The Mathematics Learning With Malay Culture?


  • Syarul Ramadhan SMAN 1 PELALAWAN



Learning Integration, Learning Mathematics, Malay Culture


One of strategy to maintain the Malay Culture of Indonesia is integrated learning. This way gives effective results to the school to maintain the culture of the Region. This research is a literature review approach with an exploration of many research in Indonesia and other countries. The data collection technique used was documentation from ten published articles from every country that has done the research. The research shows the integration process can be done in an effective way according to expert suggestions. This can be done with a strict validation process. Learning integration should be implemented in every education element. This is because the education element, government, principal, teachers, staff, and students will be a significant effect on supporting the integration process in classroom activities. Integration can be run effectively with facilities support from the government and students’ parent.


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