Comparative Study of Using Sea-Water for Enhanced Oil Recovery in Carbonate and Sandstone Reservoirs: Effects of Temperature and Aging Time on Oil Recovery

Madi Abdullah Naser (1), Mohamed Erhayem (2), Ali Hegaig (3), Hesham Jaber Abdullah (4), Muammer Younis Amer (5), Abdalsalam Ali Mohamed (6)
(1) Petroleum Engineering of Faculty of Mining and Energy, Sebha University, Libya, Libya,
(2) Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, Sebha University, Libya, Libya,
(3) Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Misurata University, Libya, Libya,
(4) Petroleum Engineering of Faculty of Mining and Energy, Sebha University, Libya, Libya,
(5) Petroleum Engineering of Faculty of Mining and Energy, Sebha University, Libya, Libya,
(6) Petroleum Engineering of Faculty of Mining and Energy, Sebha University, Libya, Libya


Oil recovery process is an essential element in the oil industry, in this study, a laboratory study to investigate the effect of temperature and aging time on oil recovery and understand some of the mechanisms of seawater in the injection process. In order to do that, the sandstone and carbonate cores were placed in the oven in brine to simulate realistic reservoir conditions. Then, they were aged in crude oil in the oven. After that, they were put in the seawater to recover, and this test is called a spontaneous imbibition test. The spontaneous imbibition test in this study was performed at room temperature to oven temperature 80 oC with different sandstone and carbonate rock with aging time of 1126 hours. The result shows that the impact of seawater on oil recovery in sandstone is higher than carbonate. At higher temperature, the oil recovery is more moderate than low temperature. Likewise, as the aging time increase for both sandstone and carbonate rocks the oil recovery increase. 

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Madi Abdullah Naser
[email protected] (Primary Contact)
Mohamed Erhayem
Ali Hegaig
Hesham Jaber Abdullah
Muammer Younis Amer
Abdalsalam Ali Mohamed
Naser, M. A., Erhayem, M., Hegaig, A., Abdullah, H. J., Amer, M. Y., & Mohamed, A. A. (2018). Comparative Study of Using Sea-Water for Enhanced Oil Recovery in Carbonate and Sandstone Reservoirs: Effects of Temperature and Aging Time on Oil Recovery. Journal of Earth Energy Engineering, 7(2), 1–13.

Article Details

Received 2018-09-16
Accepted 2018-10-29
Published 2018-10-31