Maximum Allowable Annular Surface Pressure (MAASP) Standards Calculations Study; a Field Case Study

Amega Yasutra (1), Ganesha R Darmawan (2), Muhammad Rafki (3)
(1) , Indonesia,
(2) Bandung Institute of Science Technology, Indonesia,
(3) , Indonesia


Well integrity failures may arise during the production phase of a well in a field. Those failures could create a Sustained Casing Pressure (SCP), a pressure that is measurable at the wellhead that can not be bled-off. SCP must be addressed carefully to avoid any uncontrolled fluid flow to other formation or to surface. To maintain SCP value from degrading the other barrier integrity, the pressure threshold should be known and maintained for each annulus in a well. The maximum pressure threshold known as Maximum Allowable Annular Surface Pressure (MAASP). This case study will calculate MAASP from three wells in X field using three known methods as outlined in API RP90-2 and ISO 16530-1. API RP 90-2 defines two methods in calculation MAASP (known as MAASP – Maximum Allowavle Wellhead Operating Pressure), Simple Derating Method (SDM) and Explicit Derating Method (EDM). The result then compared and evaluted to know the differences, trend of MAASP for each method, and create a generalization of MAASP/depth for field rule of thumb. For A annulus, the MAASP obtained using API RP90-2 SDM and EDM method is always greater than that obtained using the ISO  16530-1 method. However, for B annulus, the MAASP   obtained using the API RP 90-2 SDM method varies, occasionally being greater or less than the ISO 16530-1 method. While in C annulus, the MAASP obtained using the API RP 90-2 SDM and EDM methods is always less than the ISO 16530-1 method. The MAASP/depth generalization will be presented for MAASP ISO 16530-1.

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Amega Yasutra
Ganesha R Darmawan
[email protected] (Primary Contact)
Muhammad Rafki
Yasutra, A., Darmawan, G. R., & Muhammad Rafki. (2023). Maximum Allowable Annular Surface Pressure (MAASP) Standards Calculations Study; a Field Case Study. Journal of Earth Energy Engineering, 12(1), 28–37.

Article Details

Received 2022-07-14
Accepted 2022-12-04
Published 2023-03-31