High Availability Server Using Raspberry Pi 4 Cluster and Docker Swarm


  • T Yudi Hadiwandra Department of Informatics Engineering, Universitas Riau
  • Feri Candra Department of Informatics Engineering, Universitas Riau




Cluster Computing, Docker Swarm, High Availability, Raspberry Pi, Web Server


In the Industrial 4.0 era, almost all activities and transactions are carried out via the internet, which basically uses web technology. For this reason, it is absolutely necessary to have a high-performance web server infrastructure capable of serving all the activities and transactions required by users without any constraints. This research aims to design a high-performance (high availability) web server infrastructure with low cost (low cost) and energy efficiency. low power) using Cluster Computing technology on the Raspberry Pi Single Board Computing and Docker Container technology. The cluster system is built using five raspberry Pi type 4B modules as cluster nodes, and the Web server system is built using docker container virtualization technology. Meanwhile, cluster management uses Docker Swarm technology. Performance testing (Quality of Service) of the cluster system is done by simulating a number of loads (requests) and measuring the response of the system based on the parameters of Throughput and Delay (latency). The test results show that the Raspberry Pi Cluster system using Docker Swarm can be used to build a High Availability Server system that is able to handle very high requests that reach Throughput = 161,812,298 requests / sec with an Error rate = 0%.


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How to Cite

Hadiwandra, T. Y., & Candra, F. (2021). High Availability Server Using Raspberry Pi 4 Cluster and Docker Swarm. IT Journal Research and Development, 6(1), 43–51. https://doi.org/10.25299/itjrd.2021.vol6(1).5806


