Comparison of Huffman Algorithm and Lempel Ziv Welch Algorithm in Text File Compression


  • Mohamad Nurkamal Fauzan Department of Informatics Engineering, Polytechnic Pos Indonesia
  • Muhammad Alif Department of Informatics Engineering, Polytechnic Pos Indonesia
  • Cahyo Prianto3 Department of Informatics Engineering, Polytechnic Pos Indonesia



Comparison, Compression, Lossless, Huffman, Lempel Ziv Welch


The development of data storage hardware is very rapidly over time. In line with the development of storage hardware, the amount of digital data shared on the internet is increasing every day. That way no matter how big the size of the storage device we have, of course, it will only be a matter of time until that storage space is exhausted. Therefore, in terms of maximizing storage space, a technique called compression emerged. This study focuses on a  comparative analysis of 2 Lossless compression technique algorithms, namely the Huffman algorithm and Lempel Ziv Welch (LZW). A number of test files with different file types are applied to both algorithms that are compared. The performance of the algorithm is determined based on the comparison of space saving and compression time. The test results showed that the Lempel Ziv Welch (LZW) algorithm was superior to Huffman’s algorithm in .txt file type compression and .csv, the average space savings produced were 63.85% and 77.56%. The degree of compression speed that each algorithm produces is directly proportional to the file size.


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How to Cite

Fauzan, M. N., Alif, M. ., & Prianto3, C. . (2022). Comparison of Huffman Algorithm and Lempel Ziv Welch Algorithm in Text File Compression. IT Journal Research and Development, 7(2), 184–197.




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