Rencana Umum Kapal Katamaran Tipe Glass Bottom Untuk Sarana Pariwisata di Kepulauan Derawan, Kabupaten Berau, Kalimantan Timur

The General Arragement Catamarans Ship of Glass Bottom Type for Vacation Tools at Derawan Islands of Berau Regency East Kalimantan


  • alamsyah Alam Institut Teknologi Kalimantan
  • Bebeto Fandi Birana, BBB Teknik Perkapalan, Jurusan Sains Teknologi Pangan dan Kemaritiman, Institut Teknologi Kalimantan



vessels, vacation, glass bottom, derawan island


[ID] Banyak  wisatawan yang berkunjung di Kepulauan Derawan, sebagian besar melakukan kegiatan penyelaman. Namun, jumlah kunjungan ini tidak diimbangi dengan sarana transportasi laut yang layak teknis dan layak laut. Tujuan penelitian ini yakni  menemukan data-data berupa ukuran utama, rencana garis, dan rencana umum desain kapal katamaran. Metodelogi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yakni dengan Trend Curve Approach dan optimasi desain dengan software Maxurf Modeler Advanced. Hasil penelitian yang didapat adalah ukuran utama kapal dengan rincian sebagai berikut; L = 21m, B =10m, B1 =2.4m, H = 5m, T = 2m, Vs = 10 knot, Cb = 0.33, Daya Mesin = 86 HP (Untuk 1 Mesin), Jumlah Penumpang dan Kru = 87 Orang.

[EN] Many tourists visiting the Derawan Islands, most do diving. However, the number of visits is not balanced with the means of sea transportation that is technically feasible and seaworthy. The purpose of this study was to find data in the form of main dimention, lines plan, and general arragement for the design of glass bottom catamaran vessels. The methodology used in this study is the Trend Curve Approach and design optimization with Maxurf Modeler Advanced software. The results of the research obtained are the main size of the ship obtained as follows; L = 21m, B = 10m, B1 = 2.4m, H = 5m, T = 2m, Vs = 10 knots, Cb = 0.33, Engine Power = 86 HP (For 1 Machine), Number of Passengers and Crew = 87 Persons.


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