Evaluasi Kelayakan Investasi Alat Berat Di Kalimantan Selatan

Feasibility Evaluation of Heavy Equipment Investment in South Kalimantan


  • Lendra Universitas Palangka Raya
  • Almuntofa Purwantoro Universitas Palangka Raya
  • Guswiem Wibowo Universitas Palangka Raya




Alat Berat, Kelayakan , Profitability Index, Internal Rate of Return, Break Even Point, Sensitivity analysis


[ID] Pembangunan di sektor konstruksi di Indonesia adalah salah satu alasan mengapa investasi peralatan alat berat mengalami peningkatan namun pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia mengalami kontraksi sebesar 2,07% pada tahun 2020 akibat covid-19. Pertumbuhan ekonomi di Indonesia pada tahun 2020 berimbas perusahaan penyewaan alat berat salah satunya CV. BSN yang meyewakan alat berat seperti Bulldozer, Compactor, Excavator dan Motor Grader. Untuk menilai kelayakan investasi yang telah dilaksanakan dalam penelitian ini bergantung pada lamanya periode pengembalian investasi, jumlah yang diinvestasikan, tingkat pengembalian, potensi menghasilkan keuntungan, dan titik impas, dan sensitivitas. Evaluasi tersebut dimaksud bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan usaha yang telah di laksanakan. Berdasarkan periode pengembalian yaitu selama 2 Tahun 176 Hari, nilai Profitability Index sebesar 6,105. Internal Rate of Return diperoleh 12,45%. Break Even Point  terjadi pada 2,46 Tahun pada saat itu pendapatan sebesar 2,46 tahun atau 2 tahun 218 hari pada pendapatan sebesar Rp. 98.784.716.825. Berdasarkan hasil Analisis sensitivitas mendapatkan hasil bahwa pemasukan naik 50% dan biaya pengeluaran turun 50% menghasilkan NPV yaitu Rp. 556.410.190.620 dinyatakan layak, IP dengan nilai 13,774 dinyatakan layak, dan IRR dengan nilai 12,43% dinyatakan layak sedangkan pemasukan turun 50% dan biaya pengeluaran naik 50% menghasilkan yaitu -Rp. 109.326.820.101 dinyatakan tidak layak, dan PI dengan nilai -1,510 dinyatakan tidak layak, dan IRR dengan nilai 12,33% dinyatakan layak.

[EN] Development in the construction sector in Indonesia is one of the reasons why investment in heavy equipment has increased, but Indonesia's economic growth has contracted by 2.07% in 2020 due to Covid-19. Economic growth in Indonesia in 2020 will impact heavy equipment rental companies, one of which is CV. BSN rents out heavy equipment such as Bulldozers, Compactors, Excavators and Motor Graders. To assess the feasibility of the investment that has been carried out in this study depends on the length of the investment return period, the amount invested, the rate of return, the potential to generate profits, and the break-even point, and sensitivity. The intended evaluation aims to determine the feasibility of the business that has been implemented. Based on the payback period, which is 2 years 176 days, the Profitability Index value is 6.105. Internal Rate of Return obtained 12.45%. The Break Even Point occurs at 2.46 years at that time the income is 2.46 years or 2 years 218 days at an income of Rp. 98,784,716,825. Based on the results of the sensitivity analysis, it was found that income increased by 50% and expenses fell by 50% resulting in an NPV of Rp. 556,410,190,620 was declared eligible, IP with a value of 13,774 was declared feasible, and an IRR with a value of 12.43% was declared feasible while income decreased by 50% and expenses increased by 50% resulting in -Rp. 109,326,820,101 was declared inappropriate, and a PI with a value of -1.510 was declared inappropriate, and an IRR with a value of 12.33% was declared feasible.


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