J-SHMIC : Journal of English for Academic 2024-02-29T00:00:00+07:00 Miranti Eka Putri [email protected] Open Journal Systems <p style="text-align: justify;">J-SHMIC: Journal of English for Academic (pISSN&nbsp; =&nbsp;<a href=";1402909829&amp;1&amp;&amp;2014">2356-2404</a>&nbsp;and eISSN&nbsp; =&nbsp;<a href=";1474280614&amp;1&amp;&amp;2016">2541-1446</a>&nbsp;) is a biannual journal that publishes original research, conceptual, and best practice articles in applied linguistics. It is published by Universitas Islam Riau (UIR) Press in&nbsp;<strong>February</strong>&nbsp;and&nbsp;<strong>August</strong>. This journal is indexed in<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">&nbsp;SINTA (S4),</a>&nbsp;<a href=";hl=en">Google Scholar</a>, and&nbsp;<a href="">GARUDA</a>. All submitted manuscripts will be initially reviewed by editors and are then evaluated by&nbsp;<strong>two Reviewers</strong>&nbsp;through the&nbsp;<strong>double-blind review&nbsp;</strong>process.&nbsp;</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><img src="//public/site/images/jshmicjm/Sertifikat_Akreditasi_JSHMIC_Peringkat_5_001_compress1.png" alt=""><em><strong>Accredited by Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia, <a title="Sertifikat Akreditasi" href="">No.36/E/KPT/2019</a>, 13 December 2019.</strong></em></p> The Intersection of Gender, Culture, and Metacognitive Reading Strategies in Iranian EFL Education: A Mixed-Methods Analysis in Pursuit of Inclusion and Equity 2024-01-21T03:25:56+07:00 Mahdi Ghadamgahi [email protected] Narjes Ghafournia [email protected] <p>In English as a Foreign Language (EFL) education, metacognitive reading strategies (MRS) play a crucial role in learners' reading comprehension. This mixed-methods study investigated MRS among 178 Iranian EFL learners, focusing on gender and sociocultural dimensions. Utilizing an explanatory sequential design, participants—116 females and 62 males—were randomly sampled from two universities in Neyshabur, Iran. For the quantitative phase, a descriptive-correlational design using the Survey of Reading Strategies (SORS) and the TOEFL iBT reading section was employed. Descriptive analysis revealed nuanced differences in the use of MRS among Iranian EFL learners across genders, with an overall higher application by females (M = 3.61) compared to males (M = 3.44). In Support Reading Strategies, females demonstrated a higher application of strategies (M = 3.87) compared to males (M = 3.68). For Problem-Solving Strategies, female learners exhibited more frequent usage (M = 3.72) than their male counterparts (M = 3.46). Additionally, in Global Reading Strategies, there is a slight gender differential, with females showing a higher average score (M = 3.37) as opposed to males (M = 3.26). Independent samples t-tests revealed gender-specific differences in the overall MRS application, particularly in the subcategories of support and problem-solving strategies (p &lt; .05), favoring females. In the qualitative phase, 12 participants were purposively sampled for semi-structured interviews. Thematic analysis identified gender disparities exacerbated particularly by implicit teacher biases and sociocultural factors. These qualitative results corroborated and enriched the quantitative data, especially regarding gender-specific variations in MRS usage.</p> 2024-02-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Mahdi Ghadamgahi, Narjes Ghafournia Using Interactive Language Development Tools to Enhance Cognitive and Literacy Skills in K-12 Education 2024-01-09T20:40:37+07:00 Kurniawan Arif Maspul [email protected] <p>The incorporation of interactive language technologies, such as ChatGPT, into K-12 education has sparked interest as a way to improve language acquisition and cognitive development. This qualitative study investigates the perspectives and experiences of educators enrolled in the Advanced Teaching MEd program who have implemented ChatGPT in their language classes. The study investigates the influence of ChatGPT on language competence, cognitive skills, and literacy development using educator interviews, classroom observations, and a comprehensive literature analysis. The findings underscore ChatGPT's dynamic and interactive nature, which encourages active involvement, knowledge production, and tailored support in the zone of proximal growth. Furthermore, the study demonstrates how ChatGPT improves language proficiency by offering authentic language experiences, timely feedback, and exposure to a variety of linguistic structures. ChatGPT integration helps students become confident communicators and teachers construct dynamic classes that adapt to specific learning needs. Future research should look at the long-term impact of interactive language tools, the importance of teacher training, and the cultural and socioeconomic aspects that influence their use and efficacy. This work adds to the continuing efforts to improve language learning outcomes in K-12 education by increasing our understanding of how interactive language tools can boost cognitive development and language competency.</p> 2024-02-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Kurniawan Arif Maspul Language Style Used in Advertisements for Harper’s Bazaar Magazine: A Literary Study 2023-12-16T21:05:34+07:00 Rugaiyah Rugaiyah [email protected] Syofianis Ismail [email protected] <p>This study investigates the language styles used in advertisements for Harper’s Bazaar magazine advertisements. The objective of the current study is to <em>identify the stylistic features of magazine advertisements, particularly the stylistics features to</em><em> provide valuable insights into how advertisers leverage linguistic and visual techniques to connect with their target audience and convey the essence of their brands. Understanding these stylistic strategies is not only valuable for advertisers and marketers but also for readers and consumers who engage with the content, making it an enriching exploration of the synergy between language, style, and fashion in the context of a prestigious British fashion magazine. The study was descriptive-qualitative and used documentation as the instrument. The data was taken from the September 2019 and April 2020 issues of "Harper's Bazaar Magazine which consisted of 28 advertisements</em><em>.</em> Content analysis was employed to analyze the language styles of advertisements. The results reveal that noun and noun phrases are the most frequently used in Harper’s Bazaar magazine. It also found <em>figurative language, straightforward language, and emotive terms to accomplish their goals. </em>This study contributes to the understanding of language styles in advertising and provides insights into the role of language in promoting products and shaping consumer behavior.</p> 2024-02-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Rugaiyah Rugaiyah, Syofianis Ismail Correlation of Students’ Listening Comprehension Score With Students’ Learning Styles at Students of English Department at University of Muhammadiyah Gresik 2023-12-13T11:44:08+07:00 Chico Hedar Pratama [email protected] Khoirul Anwar [email protected] <p>Listening ability is an important component of language teaching and learning as it tends to improve faster than speaking ability and frequently influences skill development when learning anything new. Meanwhile, in order to accomplish excellent academic outcomes, students need to consider their learning styles and teachers need to consider various students’ learning style. This study aims to investigate the correlation between the listening abilities of learners and their learning styles. The participants were students of English education study program, faculty of teaching and educational sciences, Muhammadiyah University of Gresik, with 48 males and 52 female students participating. This study employed quantitative approaches using a questionnaire to assess students' learning styles, a test to assess students' listening comprehension scores, and an interview as a few sample about students’ perception. The data analyzed used SPSS Pearson's Correlation Coefficients and thematic analysis. The level of probability (p-value) significance (sig.2-tailed) resulted in .003. Since, the p-value (.003) was less than .05, Ha (alternative hypothesis) was accepted and Ho (null hypothesis) was rejected. As a result of the acceptance of the Ha (alternative hypothesis), researchers discovered there is a significant correlation connecting both visual and auditory learning styles and listening comprehension. The impact of this study to help students aware with their learning styles and teachers need to consider efficient learning activities with students’ various learning style.</p> 2024-02-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Chico Hedar Pratama, Khoirul Anwar The Contribution of EFL Students’ Vocabulary Mastery and Motivation to Writing Ability of Eighth-Grade Students at Smpn 5 Denpasar 2024-01-23T18:19:06+07:00 Made Puspitasari [email protected] Ni Made Ratminingsih [email protected] Made Hery Santosa [email protected] <p>The ability to compose written messages in words, sentences, texts, and coherent words that readers can understand is known as writing ability. The objectives of this research were first to investigate how much the contribution of vocabulary mastery to writing ability, the second was to investigate how much the contribution of motivation to writing ability, and the third was to investigate how much the contribution of vocabulary mastery and motivation simultaneously to writing ability. This study was designed in the form of correlational research design. The population of this study was the eighth-grade students at SMPN 5 Denpasar. In this study, 149 students served as samples. They were chosen using a proportionate random sampling technique. Test of Multiple choice was for vocabulary mastery, questionnaire was for motivation and test of writing assignment was for writing ability, those were utilized to gather the data for this study. With the use of SPSS 26.0, linear and multiple regression analyses were performed on the data. The findings showed that there was high and significant contribution of vocabulary mastery to writing ability. The contribution of vocabulary mastery to writing ability was 69%, and there was high and significant contribution of motivation to writing ability. The contribution of motivation to writing ability was 70.5%. Moreover, the contribution of vocabulary mastery and motivation simultaneously to writing ability was 79.9%. It indicates that there was high and significant contribution of vocabulary mastery and motivation simultaneously to writing ability of eighth grade students of SMPN 5 Denpasar.</p> 2024-02-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Made Puspitasari, Ni Made Ratminingsih, Made Hery Santosa A Critical Review: Technology as Learning Media in Teaching Reading 2024-01-09T16:39:24+07:00 Abdul Hakim [email protected] Sri Wahyuni [email protected] <p><em>Reading is a language skill that makes it possible to understand information clearly, this skill is one of the basic skills that allows students to improve their performance. Technology is something interesting for students at this time, especially for the Generation Z students who were born around the year of 1995-2012. The purpose of this article is to do a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) on technology as learning media in teaching reading. This article will provide research on technology as a learning medial for teaching reading from 2015 to 2022 across several countries, primarily focusing on high school students. Various data collection methods were used, including questionnaires, interviews, tests, and observations. 14 studies examined the effectiveness of technology in teaching reading, highlighting its importance in creating engaging educational environments and improving reading skills through personalized learning experiences. These studies emphasized the transformative impact of technology-based tools, particularly apps, in enhancing reading skill development. Early reading media based on technology, incorporating visuals, animations, audio, and interactive quizzes, were found to enhance learning experiences, making reading more enjoyable and effective.</em></p> 2024-02-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Abdul Hakim, Sri Wahyuni The Correlation between Grammar Usage and Indonesian – English Translation Ability of English Study Program Students 2023-11-13T10:09:24+07:00 Andini Putri Surya Nurdin [email protected] Muhammad Syarfi [email protected] Erni Erni [email protected] <p><em>Grammar is an important component of a language that contains rules on the sentence structure construction and meaning system of the language. The grammar usage has a contribution in the language learning process, one of which is in translation. This research aimed to discover the correlation between grammar usage and Indonesian – English translation ability of the fourth-semester English Study Program students. The instruments of the research were sentence completion and error recognition questions for English grammar test and Indonesia – English translation essay for translation test. The statistical analysis using Pearson product-moment formula was applied to analyze the correlation between grammar usage and Indonesian – English translation ability of the fourth-semester students. The result of data analysis revealed that the Pearson correlation value r-counted of 0.837 was higher than r-table of 0.320 at the level of confidence 0.05 which meant that alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted and of null hypothesis (H<sub>0</sub>) was rejected. The research findings revealed that there existed a significant correlation between English grammar usage and Indonesian – English translation ability the fourth-semester English Study Program students of Universitas Riau. It is implied that the proficient English grammar students displayed commensurate in Indonesian – English translation ability while those who lack of grammar usage ability found difficulty in translation tasks. This research highlighted the critical role of grammar in shaping translation of the fourth-semester students of Universitas Riau English Study Program.</em></p> 2024-02-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Andini Putri Surya Nurdin, Muhammad Syarfi, Erni Erni Developing EFL Critical Reading Aids: Project-Based Learning Activities for Electrical Industrial Engineering Students 2024-01-17T13:03:10+07:00 Khulaifiyah Khulaifiyah [email protected] Milawati Milawati [email protected] Suparti Suparti [email protected] <p>The Independent Learning and Independent Campus (MBKM) curriculum for vocational education provided learning experiences for students. However, the reading material conducted had not reached the curriculum target. Thus, this study aimed to develop critical reading material and worksheets based on the MBKM curriculum. The development procedure was designed in three stages: defining, designing, and developing for 3-D aids. The research resources employed were validation sheets for critical reading aids and semi-observation sheets to provide student activity during PjBL field trial. The results of this study were project-based learning (PjBL) used to construct English language learning aids for the syllabus and coursework units, including worksheets for critical reading. Hence, this learning aid could slightly enhance students' reading competence, which could lead them to have soft and hard skills as well as meet the MBKM curriculum target.</p> 2024-02-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Khulaifiyah Khulaifiyah, Milawati, Suparti