Faktor Keberhasilan Kampanye Dalam Program Debat Kandidat Presiden Dan Wakil PresidenRepublik Indonesia Yang Disiarkan Oleh MediaTelevisi Tahun 2019 (Studi Di Masyarakat Kelurahan Simpang Tiga Kecamatan Bukit Raya Pekanbaru-Riau)


  • Andri Kurniawan Fisipol UIR
  • Ahmad Tarmizi Yussa


campaign, public participation


Participationpublic participation in democracy has the power, as a determinant of political victory. Through campaigns, every political party in this country has the right to determine the strategic Through the campaign, every political party in this country has the right to determine the direction of the strategy towards the social and economic aspects of the community. Research This research was conducted in Simpang Tiga Urban Village, Bukit Raya Subdistrict, Pekanbaru with a total of 7,756 voters. The number of voters was 7,756 people. Sample withdrawal using probability sampling with a cross sectional approach is adjusted with the sample object of the community who watched the program on the 17, January 17, February 17, March 17, March 30, and April 13 in 2019 after the debate program was broadcast live.the debate program was broadcast live. Sample as much as 10%. Or the amount of respondents amounted to 52 people. Descriptive analysis of the Debate on the results descriptive results 76% or Very Satisfied, Second Debate on descriptive results 83% or Very Satisfied, Third Debate on descriptive results 82% or Very Satisfied, Debate Fourth Debate descriptive results 82% or Very Satisfied and Fifth Debate, on descriptive results 70% or Satisfied. descriptive results 70% or Satisfied


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