Pengelolaan Rumah Susun Sederhana Sewa (RUSUNAWA) Oleh Dinas Perumahan Rakyat Dan Kawasan Permukiman Pekanbaru
Management, RusunawaAbstract
The simple rental housing (Rusunawa) built by the Pekanbaru City Government is located in Pekanbaru, namely Rusunawa in Rejosari and Rusunawa in Yos Sudarso. This research aims to determine the management of simple rental houses (Rusunawa) carried out by the Pekanbaru City Public Housing and Settlement Service using qualitative research methods. The research instruments are observation, interviews and documentation. The theory used is according to George R Terry with indicators of planning, organizing, mobilizing and monitoring. The results of the research show that the Management of Simple Rental Flats (Rusunawa) by the Pekanbaru City Public Housing and Settlement Area Service concluded that the Rusunawa Management by the Pekanbaru City Housing and Settlement Area Service in managing the flats has not shown a stage of success. This is because there are several weaknesses seen in the government management function. The first is planning, at this stage the Department of Public Housing and Settlement Areas does not have a performance indicator program/activity focused on managing flats. The second is organizing, at this stage the Pekanbaru City Government has formed a UPTD and formulated the tasks required in managing the flat. Third, namely mobilizing/directing, the management of the Public Housing and Settlement Area Service's flats is not yet optimal, because there are still many residents who are in arrears in rent payments and there are still only a few flat residents. Fourth, namely controlling.