Journal of Diplomacy and International Studies <p>Journal of Diplomacy and International Studies (JDIS) includes scientific articles written by scholars of International Relations Department of Universitas Islam Riau.&nbsp; This Journal was published by the Laboratory of International Relations Department of Universitas Islam Riau, and has wide-ranging topics related International Relations in general, such as Foreign Policy, Diplomacy, International Politics, International Security, International Political Economy and Islamic Contemporary Issues. This Journal accepts manuscripts and articles those had reviewed by peer reviewers.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> en-US [email protected] (Rendi Prayuda) [email protected] (Rio Sundari) Sun, 30 Apr 2023 00:00:00 +0700 OJS 60 Diplomasi Timor Leste dalam Penyelesaian Sengketa Batas Maritim Laut Timor dengan Australia Tahun 2016 – 2019 <p><em>The maritime boundary dispute between Timor Leste and Australia is a long-standing issue. Both countries are fighting for their sovereignty and national interests. The dispute occurred because of differences in the basis of international law between the two countries when claiming maritime boundaries in the Timor Sea, which resulted in the absence of a permanent maritime boundary. At that time, Timor Leste claimed based on the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea UNCLOS 1982 while Australia claimed based on the Geneva Convention. There are several diplomatic efforts made by Timor Leste to resolve this dispute, namely through bilateral diplomacy, public diplomacy and also diplomacy through the conciliation process. The purpose of this study is to explain what diplomacy Timor Leste has used to resolve the Timor Sea dispute with Australia. This paper uses a qualitative research method with data collection through literature study. The results of this study show that Timor Leste diplomacy efforts were successful in resolving the maritime boundary dispute case with Australia as marked by the signing of a treaty in 2018 by the two countries that established a permanent maritime boundary in the Timor Sea which has been the cause of the problem between the two countries. </em></p> Putri Ade Fitriani Copyright (c) 0 Sun, 30 Apr 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Enhancing Public Understanding of ASEAN: towards Stronger Integration <p>This article examines hos ASEAN can engage and empower the public in order to increase their understanding and participation in the integration process. It seeks to promote an informed and engaged ASEAN citizenry by investigating strategies and approaches. Understanding the perspectives, concerns, and aspirations of the public is essential for devising effective communication and educational programs. Examining successful examples, best practices, and learned lessons, the essay formulates recommendations for promoting a more robust and sustainable framework of integration. The ultimate objective is to increase public understanding of ASEAN and create an informed and empowered public that actively supports and participates in the process of integration.</p> Cifebrima Suyastri, Rio Sundari, Dini Tiara Sasmi Copyright (c) 0 Sun, 30 Apr 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Strategi Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Jikalahari dalam Tata Kelola Hutan Provinsi Riau Terkait Upaya Pengendalian Perubahan Iklim Global Tahun 2013-2023 <p><em>Effective forest governance plays a crucial role in global climate change control efforts. Poor forest governance contributes to the increasing occurrence of climate change disaster such as floods, wildfires, and haze. Riau is one of the province in Indonesia that facing various forest governance issues, ranging from flawed spatial planning regulation (RTRW), mere conceptualization of the Riau Hijau plan, to numerous court cases that involving forest and land fires </em>(Karhutla) <em>that implicate certain corporate entities. This research discusses the strategies employed by the </em>NGO Jikalahari <em>in forest governance in Riau Province for global climate change control efforts. The research adopts a qualitative descriptive approach, using semi-structured interviews as the primary data collection technique, while literature review is used to obtain secondary data. The research applies the green theory perspective and John McCormick environmental </em>NGO <em>strategy concept. The finding of this research indicate that </em>NGO<em> Jikalahari has successfully implemented nine of the environmental </em>NGO<em> strategies proposed by John McCormick, thus namely: 1) Working with Elected Officials, Bureaucrats, and Employees of Corporation; 2) Raising and Spending Money; 3) Campaigning and Organizing Public Protests; 4) Promoting Media Coverage of Environmental Issues; 5) Litigation and Monitoring the Implementation of Environmental Law; 6) Information Exchange; 7) Undertaking Research; 8) Acquiring and Managing Property; 9) Generating Local Community Involvement in Environmnetal Protection. Additionally, </em>NGO Jikalahari <em>has significantly contributed to forest governance in Riau Province in the context of global climate change control</em>.</p> Rustianur Zaky Zahran, Alfajri Copyright (c) 0 Sun, 30 Apr 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Analisis Modus Operandi Penyelundupan Narkotika di Perbatasan Indonesia-Malaysia (Studi Kasus Kabupaten Kepulauan Meranti Provinsi Riau Tahun 2017-2022) <p><em>This study discusses the Analysis of the Modus Operandi of drug smuggling at the Indonesia-Malysia border (Case Study: Meranti Island Regency, Riau Province in 2017-2018). The Meranti Island Regency is a regency in Riau Province with waters directly bordering Malaysia, making it a vulnerable area to Transnational Crimes, particularly drug smuggling originating from Malaysia through maritime routes. Therefore, the researcher focused on studying the Modus Operandi as the reaserch object. The aim of this study to understand to Modus Operandi of drug smuggling at the Indonesia-Malaysia border. The reasercher used the concept of Non-Traditional Security and employed qualitative descriptive research methodology. Additionally, the reseacher conducted literature reviews and a field study to collect data. The results of this study show a variety of drug traffickers' strategies, including internet drug smuggling, hiding drugs in cargo ship, leveraging intermediary connections, and using maritime transportation such as small boats. The actors involved in these activities include transnational actors (non-native citizens), organized crime syndicates, and inmates in prisons. They capitalise on the advantages of waterways and unofficial ports, often known as "rat ports," to ensure that drugs are distributed widely throughout Indonesia, particularly in the remote areas of the Meranti Islands.</em></p> Chandyta Silviani, Rendi Prayuda Copyright (c) 0 Sun, 30 Apr 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Peran United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) dalam Proses Resettlement Pengungsi Asing di Indonesia (Studi Kasus Pengungsi Afghanistan di Kota Pekanbaru) <p><em>In this study, the researcher were discusses the resettlement process for foreign refugees in Indonesia (Study Case of Afghanistan’s Refugees in Pekanbaru city). The rampant conflicts that were happened currently, causes the people who lived in that country were terrified and felt uneasy to stay in their country. Because of that phenomenon, those people tried to find the save and secure places in other specific countries by seeking protection until the conflict in their country settled down. Indonesia is one of the countries that are available for the refugees to pass across, although Indonesia is not the country of destination that the refugees aim for. The reasons behind this were because, Indonesia is has not ratified the 1951 convention and the 1967 protocol. Pekanbaru city is one of the cities in Indonesia that provided the living space for the refugees, and the largest number of refugees in pekanbaru city came from Afghanistan. To settle this case, the refugees in Indonesia especially Afghanistan’s refugees in pekanbaru, the government were cooperated with the international organization called UNCHR (United Nation High Commisioner for Refugees). Pekanbaru city possess the role of instrument, arena, and the independent actor in the resettlement process for the Afghanistan’s refugees. This study used constructivism perspective as the main theory. The method used in this study was qualitative method with case study approach. The data was collected by observation, interview and literature review. UNCHR gave the solutions for the subtraction matter in handling the Afghanistan’s refugees such as Repatriation, Intregrasi Local, and Resettlement.</em></p> Rozaliana Azura, Fitrisia Munir Copyright (c) 0 Sun, 30 Apr 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Strategi Diplomasi Indonesia dalam Presidensi G-20 di Bali <p><em>This </em><em>study</em><em> discusses Indonesia's diplomatic strategy in implementing the G-20 Presidency. In this research the author uses the concept of Diplomacy, which is the art of building relationships with other parties or countries that can improve and strengthen relations between countries. The Group of Twenty (G-20) is a multilateral cooperation forum consisting of developed and developing countries, which was formed to find solutions to the global financial crisis and discuss general problems and national security needed to prevent future crises. Developed countries can learn how to see and treat developing countries as equal global cooperation partners as a result of the economic and political role that Indonesia currently plays. Indonesia's G-20 Presidency has tried to overcome various new problems during its one year leadership. Indonesia has reached its peak by producing a document called the Bali G-20 Leaders' Declaration. The author uses qualitative research which aims to increase understanding of the phenomena that occur because the subject and object are considered as a constant and dynamic unit. The author uses secondary data sources which are a collection of data and information that has been collected from previous research, such as books, journals, documents and other library data sources.</em></p> Lian Mutiara Timur, Rio Sundari Copyright (c) 0 Sun, 30 Apr 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Peran UN Women terhadap Diskriminasi Perempuan Korban Isis di Irak <p><em>This research will discuss the role of UN Women against Discrimination against Women Victims of ISIS in Iraq. Iraq is a country that is included in a dangerous country for women. This is because of discrimination against women in the country. Therefore, UN Women has a role in overcoming this problem. This research examines gender inequality that occurs in Iraq, as well as how international organizations position themselves as international relations actors in this matter. This study aims to determine the role of UN Women as an international organization in overcoming the problem of discrimination in Iraq. This research uses qualitative methods and the author analyzes the problem using Clive Archer's theory about the role of international organizations. The data source used is secondary data obtained through library research. The result of this research is that there are many things that UN Women does in carrying out its role as an international organization, both the role of the instrument where UN Women makes cooperation agreements with other actors, the arena where UN Women becomes a forum or means for actors to gather, as well as the role of UN Women actors in carrying out their programs without the interference of other parties.</em></p> Natasya Aulia Putri, M. Arsy Ash Ashiddiqy, Dani Kurniawansyah Copyright (c) 0 Sun, 30 Apr 2023 00:00:00 +0700