DINAMIKA PERTANIAN 2024-02-27T10:59:23+07:00 Fahrial [email protected] Open Journal Systems <p style="text-align: justify;">Dinamika pertanian merupakan jurnal ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Islam Riau Pekanbaru tiga kali setahun (April, Agustus dan Desember). Jurnal mempublikasi artikel penelitian yang baru dan original dengan topik yang berhubungan dengan bidang pertanian secara luas mencakup agroteknologi, agribisnis dan perikanan serta topik lain yang relevan</p> PENGARUH KOMPOS GULMA PAKIS DAN TSP TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN DAN HASIL TERUNG (Solanum melongena L.) PADA MEDIA GAMBUT 2024-02-27T09:52:18+07:00 Randi Agustian [email protected] Raisa Baharuddin [email protected] <p>The purpose of this study was to determine the interaction effect and the main effect of fern weed compost and TSP on the growth and yield of eggplant. This research was conducted at the Experimental Garden of the Faculty of Agriculture, Riau Islamic University, Pekanbaru. This research was conducted from January to May 2022. This study used a factorial, completely randomized design (CRD). The first factor is fern weed compost, consisting of 4 levels: 0, 125, 250, and 375 g/polybag. The second factor is TSP, consisting of 4 levels: 0, 3.75; 7.5; and 11.25 g/plant. The treatment was repeated three times. Parameters observed were plant height, number of leaves, number of fruits per plant, fruit weight per plant, weight per fruit, and fruit length. The results showed that there was a significant interaction between fern weed compost and TSP on peat media on the parameters of the number of leaves and weight per fruit, with the best treatment being fern weed compost (375 g/polybag) and TSP fertilizer (7.5 g/plant). The fern weed compost on peat media significantly affected plant height, number of fruits per plant, fruit weight per plant, weight per fruit, and fruit length. The fern weed compost at 375 g/polybag gave the best eggplant growth and yield. TSP fertilizer on peat media was significantly affected by all parameters. Doses of TSP (7.5 g/polybag) gave optimal eggplant growth and yield.</p> 2024-02-27T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 DINAMIKA PERTANIAN PEMANFAATAN MINYAK ATSIRI KAYU MANIS MENGENDALIKAN CENDAWAN Neocytalidium dimidiatum PENYEBAB STEM CANKER PADA BUAH NAGA (Hylocereus sp.) SECARA IN-VITRO 2024-02-27T09:58:48+07:00 Extri Okina [email protected] Sulhaswardi [email protected] Rizka [email protected] <p>This study aims to determine the effectiveness of several concentrations of cinnamon essential oil to control stem canker disease in dragon fruit caused by the fungus <em>Neocytalidium dimidiatum</em>. This research was conducted at the Laboratory of Pests and Diseases. Research Institute for Tropical Fruit Plants (Balitbu Tropika), Aripan, KM 8, X Koto Singkarak District, Solok Regency, West Sumatra. This research was conducted for 3 months, starting in April 2021 and ending in June 2021. In this study, using a non-factorial, completely randomized design with 5 treatments of cinnamon essential oil with 5 repetitions, each consisting of 4 petridish units, 100 experimental units were obtained. The treatment factors were 0.05%, 0.1%, 0.15%, and 0.20% cinnamon essential oil. The data from this observation were analyzed statistically. If the F count was greater than the F table, then proceed with the DMRT test. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the growth of the fungus <em>Neocitalidium dimidiatum</em> is effective against cinnamon oil, having a significant effect on all observed parameters. The best treatment was cinnamon essential oil with a concentration of 0.20%.</p> 2024-02-27T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 DINAMIKA PERTANIAN RESPON PERTUMBUHAN BIBIT KELAPA SAWIT (Elaeis guineensis Jacq) TERHADAP DOSIS BOKASHI BATANG PISANG DAN NPK MUTIARA 16:16:16 DI MAIN-NURSERY 2024-02-27T10:03:53+07:00 Bagus Pramuji [email protected] Fathurrahman [email protected] <p>The aim was to determine the growth response of oil palm seedlings (<em>Elaeis guineensis</em> Jacq) in the main-nursery to the interaction of banana stem bokashi doses and&nbsp; pearl NPK fertilizer (16:16:16). This research was carried out on the experimental farm of the Faculty of Agriculture, Riau Islamic University, Pekanbaru City, for 5 months, starting in September 2021 and ending in January 2022. The design used in this study was a factorial, completely randomized design (CRD) consisting of two factors. The first factor was banana stem bokashi fertilizer (B), consisting of four, namely without bokashi, 800, 1,600, and 2,400 g/plant. The second factor was pearl NPK 16:16:16, consisting of 4 levels, namely without NPK, 11.25, 22.50, and 33.75 g/plant, 16 treatment combinations were obtained with 3 replications, so there were 48 experimental units. Parameters observed were an increase in plant height, an increase in the number of fronds, an increase in the length of the longest frond, an increase in stem circumference, root length, and root volume. The data were analyzed statistically and continued with an HSD level of 5%. The results showed that the interaction of banana stem bokashi fertilizer and pearl NPK 16:16:16 gave a real response to all parameters. The best responses were to bokashi fertilizer (2,400 g/plant) and pearl NPK (16:16:16) at 33.75 g/plant.</p> 2024-02-27T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 DINAMIKA PERTANIAN PERBANDINGAN PENDAPATAN USAHATANI CABAI MERAH (Capsicum annuum L.) SEBELUM DAN SAAT PANDEMI COVID-19 DI DESA GALUNG LOMBOK, KEC. POLIWALI MANDAR 2024-02-27T10:09:43+07:00 Siska Damayanti [email protected] Ikrar Taruna Syah [email protected] Nurlela [email protected] <p>This study aims to compare the income from cayenne pepper farming before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in Galung Lombok Village, Tinambung District, Polewali Mandar Regency. The locus was chosen because it is one of the sweet and chili producing areas, and most of the population works as cayenne pepper farmers. The total respondents in this study were 27 cayenne pepper farmers. This study used a quantitative descriptive method by filling out a questionnaire given to farmers. The data obtained were then analyzed using a paired T-test. The results showed that there were significant differences in the production and income of cayenne pepper farmers before and during the COVID-19 pandemic, While the total production increased significantly, the total income of farmers decreased significantly during the pandemic. The results of this study can be used as a consideration for the government in determining policy, especially regarding the price of cayenne pepper during a pandemic, and not only focusing on policies at the upstream level.</p> 2024-02-27T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 DINAMIKA PERTANIAN ANALISIS PENDAPATAN USAHATANI CABAI MERAH DI DAERAH NON SENTRA PRODUKSI DI KECAMATAN BANGKINANG KOTA KABUPATEN KAMPAR PROVINSI RIAU 2024-02-27T10:16:59+07:00 Ilma Satriana Dewi [email protected] Sri Ayu Kurniati [email protected] Jeffry Andrian [email protected] <p>Red chili is one of the horticultural crops that is suitable for cultivation in tropical climates areas. Even though red chilies have started to be widely cultivated, the success rate in cultivating this commodity is still low, especially in areas that are not become red chili production centers. One of the causing factors of the experience of farmers who are still low, there is no government support for farmers who cultivate red chilies, and it takes quite a lot of capital, especially in maintenance because red chili plants are quite vulnerable to pests and diseases. Based on this explanation, this research aimed to analyze red chili cultivation technology and analyzed red chili farming income. The research method was carried out by survey in Bangkinang Kota sub-district that is not a chili production center. The number of respondents taken by census as many as 30 people. The results showed that the red chili cultivation technology carried out in the research area was in general almost in accordance with the recommendation from AIAT. Even so, there were slight differences in the fertilization process, especially in the amount of NPK fertilizer used which was more than the recommended dose. In addition, the frequency of the number of harvests was less (10 times) than the conditions that should be (12-20 times). Furthermore, the total production costs incurred for cultivating red chili plants amounted to IDR 25,299,160. The average amount of production was 3,000 kg with the selling price in effect at the time of the research being IDR 26,000/kg. The average total income was IDR 78,000,000 and the profit from farming was IDR 52,700,840. The efficiency of red chili farming was 3.08, means that this business was profitable and feasible to run</p> 2024-02-27T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 DINAMIKA PERTANIAN ANALISIS FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI PRODUKSI IKAN MAS KERAMBA DI DESA KOTO MESJID KECAMATAN XIII KOTO KAMPAR KABUPATEN KAMPAR PROVINSI RIAU 2024-02-27T10:22:47+07:00 Boy Pardamean Manullang [email protected] Khairizal [email protected] Azharuddin M. Amin [email protected] Khairudin [email protected] <p>In Koto Masjid Village, District XIII Koto Kampar, there are several potential cage carp farms that have not been able to achieve optimal production results. The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of production factors on carp farming production in the XIII Koto Kampar sub-district. This research used a survey method, which was carried out in Koto Village, Mosque, and XIII Koto Kampar sub-district from August 2021 to January 2022. The number of samples taken was 30 carp farmers who were taken randomly (simple random sampling). The data analysis used in this study was qualitative and quantitative descriptive analyses, as well as multiple regression analysis using the Cobb-Douglass production function method. The results showed that the factors that had a significant effect on carp production were variable cage area and amount of feed, with a significance level of 5%.</p> 2024-02-27T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 DINAMIKA PERTANIAN IDENTIFIKASI SUBSEKTOR UNGGULAN PERIKANAN DI KABUPATEN ROKAN HILIR PROVINSI RIAU 2024-02-27T10:27:36+07:00 M Eka Ramadhan [email protected] Sisca Vaulina [email protected] <p>Rokan Hilir Regency (Rohil) is an area with the highest fisheries production in Riau Province. This research aims to (1) determine the basic and non-basic subsectors in the fisheries subsector, (2) analyze the growth of fisheries subsectors towards GRDP in the economic development of Rohil Regency, and (3) understand the growth pattern in fisheries subsectors in Rohil Regency. The method used is a literature study, secondary data in the form of the time series 2017–2021, and analysis tools, namely Location Quotient (LQ), Shift Share, and Klassen Typology. The results showed that (1) sector basic in the economy of Rohil Regency was the marine capture fisheries subsector and the marine aquaculture subsector, while the non-basic subsector was the inland capture fisheries subsector, pond aquaculture, cage aquaculture, floating net aquaculture in inland waters, freshwater gillnet fisheries, and floating net aquaculture in the sea. (2) Subsectors experiencing proportional growth (PP) are the inland capture fisheries subsector and the pond aquaculture subsector. Subsectors experiencing regional growth (PW) with competitiveness were the inland capture fisheries subsector and the pond aquaculture subsector. (3) The position of the fisheries consisted of Quadrant I (aquaculture at sea and marine capture fisheries), Quadrant II (no subsector entering Quadrant II), Quadrant III (inland capture fisheries, freshwater floating net aquaculture), and Quadrant IV (pond aquaculture, cage aquaculture, freshwater floating net aquaculture, and floating net aquaculture in the sea).</p> 2024-02-27T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 DINAMIKA PERTANIAN ANALISIS USAHA PEMBENIHAN IKAN PATIN DI KECAMATAN SEBERIDA KABUPATEN INDRAGIRI HULU PROVINSI RIAU (Studi Kasus Pada BBI Pangkalan Kasai) 2024-02-27T10:35:01+07:00 Cindy Amalia Putri [email protected] Tibrani [email protected] <p>This study aims to analyze the characteristics and profile of hatchery workers at BBI Pangkalan Kasai, Seberida District, Indraguri Hulu Regency, Hatchery Technology and Availability of Production Facilities in Catfish Hatchery Business at BBI Pangkalan Kasai, Seberida District, Indraguri Hulu Regency, and Production Cost, Income, Profit, Business Efficiency, and Break Event Point (BEP) in Catfish Hatchery Business at BBI Pangkalan Kasai, Seberida District, Indragiri Hulu Regency. This research uses the case study method. Research at BBI Pangkalan Kasai in Seberida District, Indragiri Hulu Regency, Riau Province was carried out from April to September 2022. The respondents in this study were 10 people, consisting of 1 head of the UPTD Fish Seed Center, 2 employees of the administration section, 1 seed gatherer, and 6 technical personnel. The data used is primary and secondary. The data analysis methods used are descriptive, qualitative, and quantitative. The results showed that: (1) The average age of hatchery workers is 35 years, the average length of education is 12 years or is at the upper secondary level; the average hatchery experience is 4.3 years; and the average number of dependents in an entrepreneur's family is on average 3.3. The BBI Pangkalan Kasai profile was originally established in 2000 and had a land area of about 4 hectares. The organizational structure of BBI Pangkalan Kasai consisted of the Head of UPTD BBI Pangkalan Kasai, Ka. Sub. Ch. Administration, Seed Pramu, Technical Staff, Administrative Staff, Cleaning Staff, and Security Guard, Business capital is fully sourced from the Department of Fisheries of Indragiri Hulu Regency. (2) The technology for catfish hatchery cultivation at the Pangkalan Kasai Fish Seed Center (BBI) was not in accordance with theoretical recommendations, ranging from broodstock storage, brood selection, injection mating, growth, egg hatching, larval storage, seed maintenance in a closed room, and harvesting, which has not been effective and efficient. Meanwhile, the availability of production facilities was adequate, starting with equipment and buildings, catfish broodstock, feed, medicines, and labor. (3) Analysis of catfish hatchery business at BBI Pangkalan Kasai: the production cost was Rp. 25.991.834/production process, the gross income obtained by BBI Pangkalan Kasai was Rp. 70.000.000/production process, the net income is Rp. 44.008.166/production process, and the business efficiency was 2,69. BEP value of Rp. 4.183,33/head, BEP unit of 31.100,2 BEP price of 74,3 head.</p> 2024-02-27T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 DINAMIKA PERTANIAN EFEKTIVITAS PELAKSANAAN ALSINTAN PADA KELOMPOK SASARAN 2024-02-27T10:41:11+07:00 Wahyudi Narullova [email protected] Isralasmadi [email protected] <p>The main activity of this study is an effort to determine the effectiveness of the implementation of agricultural machinery for the target group as well as the community's response to the agricultural machinery assistance provided by the Ministry of Agriculture. In the form of interviews and filling out questionnaires. The research object consists of communities living in the same sub-district/village with farmers or farmer groups who receive benefits. The study location is the entire territory of Indonesia. This study aims to find out how effective the implementation of agricultural machinery is among the target group. The output of this study was in the form of identifying the benefits and problems that exist in the effectiveness of implementing agricultural machinery in the target group, as well as recommendations in the form of strategies that can be implemented in its development. From the results and discussions that have been carried out, it is concluded that the use of agricultural tools and machinery can increase the area and intensity of planting, speed up work, reduce costs, reduce losses, and increase production and productivity so that in the future we can create modern agriculture. Apart from that, the use of machinery can also provide economic or financial benefits.</p> 2024-02-27T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 DINAMIKA PERTANIAN ANALISIS USAHA AGROINDUSTRI DAN PEMASARAN TAS LIDI SAWIT (IKM RUMAH TAMADUN) DI KELURAHAN BAGAN KOTA KECAMATAN BANGKO KABUPATEN ROKAN HILIR PROVINSI RIAU 2024-02-27T10:45:40+07:00 Zira [email protected] Fahrial [email protected] <p>The business in Rokan Hilir Regency has the potential to be developed in order to gain profit and add value from palm stick products. Oil palm sticks are the main material that can be used to make crafts that have functional value if managed properly. This study aims to analyze: the characteristics of entrepreneurs and business profiles of the Tas Lidi Sawit IKM Rumah Tamadun agroindustry in Bagan Kota Village, Bangko District, Rokan Hilir Regency, Riau Province. Analysis of the agro-industry business consisting of raw materials and supporting materials, production process, production technology, production costs, production, income, efficiency, and added value of the agro-industrial business of Palm Lidi Bag IKM Tamadun House in Bagan Village, City of Bangko District, Rokan Hilir Regency, Province Riau. Marketing includes marketing institutions and channels, marketing functions, marketing costs, marketing margins, marketing profits, and marketing efficiency of the IKM Rumah Tamadun Palm Lidi Bag business in Bagan Kota Village, Bangko District, Rokan Hilir Regency, Riau Province. The research method used was a survey method. The sample for this research consisted of 18 people, which consisted of 1 entrepreneur, 12 workers, and 5 traders. The results of this study showed that the average age was 34 years, the education level was an average of 12.75, the experience in the agro-industry is an average of 3.75 years, and the average number of dependents was 3.25 people. The profile of the agro-industry business, namely the history of the small-scale small business business, which was established in 2017, the scale of the small-scale agro-industry business, the business capital is Rp. 11,680,000, and a workforce of 12 people. Raw materials and supporting materials in the palm stick agro-industry include palm sticks, combinations of leather, locks, zippers, hooks, hangers, spoon locks, mushroom nails, natural dyes, and glue. The production process included pickling, making top patterns, cleaning top patterns, gluing, drying, caulking, accessories, and finishing. The production cost was Rp. 1,736,169, production technology includes saws, scissors, knives, punching tools, grinding machines, and weaver machines. The income was Rp. 1,563,831. The efficiency was 1.90, and the added value of the small palm stick agro-industry business for the small and medium-sized private industry was Rp. 82,833.33/kg. Institutions and their marketing channels, namely entrepreneurs, football traders, and consumers, and there were 2 marketing channels.</p> 2024-02-27T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 DINAMIKA PERTANIAN ANALISIS PERBANDINGAN PENDAPATAN USAHATANI KELAPA SAWIT SEBELUM DAN PASCA COVID-19 DI DESA GEMA KECAMATAN KAMPAR KIRI KABUPATEN KAMPAR 2024-02-27T10:51:33+07:00 Wanda Muzekri [email protected] Ujang Paman [email protected] <p>Oil palm farming is the main source of economy in Gema Village, and the crop is continuously cultivated after Covid-19. This study aims to analyze the characteristics of farmers and farming profiles; costs, production, income, and efficiency of oil palm farming post Covid-19; and income comparison of oil palm farming before and after Covid-19. The method used was a survey and the research was conducted in Gema Village, Kampar Kiri District, Kampar Regency, Riau Province. The research was carried out for 6 months, starting from January to June 2023. A total of 30 farmers were taken as respondents by a census. The data used in this research consisted of primary and secondary data. The data were analyzed by quantitative and qualitative descriptive techniques. The results showed that the average age of oil palm farmers was 44.87 yr, the length of education was 9 years, 12.3 years of experience, and 5 family members. The oil palm farm area ranged from 1 to 8 ha with an average of 3.09 ha. From the oil palm farm analysis, the average cost was Rp. 9,902,842/ha/yr before Covid-19 and Rp. 11,197,013/ha/yr after Covid-19. The gross income received before Covid-19 was Rp.17,942,825/ha/yr and after Covid-19 it was Rp.30,016,544/ha/yr. The net income received by farmers was Rp. 8,052.983/ha/yr before Covid-19 and Rp. 8,819,531/ha/yr after Covid 19, with an efficiency of 1.81 and 2.68 before and after Covid-19, respectively.&nbsp; It was found that oil palm farming income had a significant difference between before and after Covid-19.</p> 2024-02-27T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 DINAMIKA PERTANIAN PENGARUH SALINITAS YANG BERBEDA TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN DAN SINTASAN BENIH IKAN BAUNG (Hemibagrus nemurus) 2024-02-27T10:57:32+07:00 Teguh Oktavian [email protected] Rosyadi [email protected] Khairul Hadi [email protected] <p>This study aims to determine the effect of different salinities on the growth and survival of baung fish (<em>Hemibagrus nemurus</em>) fry. The method used is an experimental method with a complete random design (RAL) consisting of 5 treatments with 3 repeats, namely P1 = salinity of 3 ppt, P2 = 4 ppt, P3 = 5 ppt, P4 = 6 ppt, and P5 = 7 ppt. The results showed the best treatment in P4 treatment of baung fry rearing with a salinity of 6 ppt, resulting in absolute weight growth of 0.73±0.04 gr, absolute length of 1.88±0.19 cm, daily growth rate of 3.50±0.19%, feed conversion of 1.69±0.08, and survival of 98±3.46%. The range of water quality during maintenance was supportive for baung fry, with temperatures ranging from 25–28 <sup>0</sup>C, pH 6.2–6.78, dissolved oxygen content 6.0–7.7 mg/L, and ammonia ranged from 0.59–1.88 mg/L.</p> 2024-02-27T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 DINAMIKA PERTANIAN