Journal of Renewable Energy and Mechanics 2024-03-31T17:06:04+07:00 Dedikarni [email protected] Open Journal Systems <p>Journal of Renewable Energy and Mechanics (E-ISSN 2614-8315) is published by UIR Press. It is a medium provided by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Islam Riau to published scholarly articles by the research community in the world. It is a biannual peer review journal which would provide a medium to researcher for published their high quality work in the field of Renewable Energy, Mechanical, Materials Engineering and Technology. &nbsp;Articles are published in English or Bahasa Indonesia.</p> <p><strong><em>Our journal is indexed in <a href="">DOAJ</a>, <a href="">GARUDA</a> and <a href=";user=x_KZLCwAAAAJ">Google Scholar</a> and Accredited at <a href="">SINTA 4</a>.</em></strong></p> EFFECT OF MIXTURE EUCALYPTUS OIL AND MAGNETIC FIELDS ON DROPLETS COMBUSTION PALM OIL ON FLAME BEHAVIOURS AND FLUE GAS EMISSIONS 2023-08-31T03:02:34+07:00 Dony Perdana [email protected] Taufik Moh. Aris [email protected] <p><em>This research has the purpose to determine and understand the role of repelling magnetic field and the variation of eucalyptus oil bio-additives on flame evolution and exhaust emissions in burning palm oil droplets. Presently, the requirement for energy is increasing, so people must look for alternative energy of fuels. Because the availability of fossil fuels cannot be renewed and their existence is increasingly depleting. This situation really forces us to develop vegetable oil as a new energy source, one of which is palm oil. This research method uses a direct testing method on palm oil which is given a variation of a mixture of eucalyptus oil bio-additives a droplet diameter of 0.3-0.4 mm at a thermocouple diameter of 0.12 mm with magnetic field strength of 10,000 Gauss and heated by heater component. This research has found that the role of repelling magnetic field N-N (north-north) and variations in eucalyptus oil bio-additives have a major influence on the evolution time of the flame. The mixture of 10% bio-additive produces the shortest flame time of 1600 milliseconds, the lowest flame height with a value of 5.74 mm, and the highest temperature of 894.25<sup>o</sup>C compared to other bio-additive variations. CO exhaust gas at 6% bio-additive produces the lowest value of 33 ppm while NOx exhaust gas at 10% bio-additive produces the lowest value of 545 ppm.</em></p> 2024-03-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Renewable Energy and Mechanics ANALYSIS OF COOLING LOAD IN ROOM GK-104, INSTITUT TEKNOLOGI SUMATERA 2024-01-19T00:33:57+07:00 Devia Gahana Cindi Alfian [email protected] Feldrico Andreas Sitanggang [email protected] Andrean Marcellino [email protected] Bastian Roni Petrus [email protected] Muhammad Nur Na’im Khariman [email protected] Dicky Januarizky Silitonga [email protected] <p><em>The effects of global warming are very impactful in everyday life, one of which makes the air feel hot, a cooling machine is needed to be able to reduce hot air in a room. Cooling machines have become an important necessity in everyday life. The cooling machine can be maximally utilized if the heat load above it must be appropriate or below. This research was conducted to analyze the cooling load in the public lecture room 1 of the Sumatra Institute of Technology GK-104. The data required in this study are the length of the room, the width of the room, the amount of internal heat of the room, the maximum number of people in the room, and the cooling capacity of the air conditioner. For the calculation of cooling load analysis is divided into 4 parts namely occupant load, equipment load, lighting load, and transmission load. After the analysis, the value of each is obtained 2,656.68 W, 450.09 W, 3,930.62 W, 2,238.71 W. The total cooling load of a room is 9,276.114 W. For the capacity of 2 air conditioners GK-104 room is 10,040 W. It can be concluded that the cooling load of the room is still far below the cooling capacity of the air conditioner and the room can cool according to the desired temperature.</em></p> 2024-03-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Renewable Energy and Mechanics STATIC COMPRESSIVE CHARACTERISTICS ON THE OUTOF-PLANE OF HONEYCOMB STRUCTURE WITH HEXAGONAL SIZE VARIATIONS 2024-02-16T10:02:04+07:00 M Yusuf R Siahaan [email protected] Rakhmad Arief Siregar [email protected] Faisal Amri Tanjung [email protected] <p><em>Implementasi honeycomb bahan aluminium saat ini sangat tinggi kebutuhannya pada industri manufaktur yang diaplikasikan di bidang konstruksi, penerbangan, kapal laut, automotive, transportasi, dan furniture. Keunggulan panel honeycomb bahan aluminium adalah material logam yang ringan, tahan korosi, peredam getaran, dan tahan lembab. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimental pada 3 variasi geometri hexagonal cell honeycomb terhadap bidang luar dengan pengujian tekan statik Universal Testing Machine (UTM). Dampak variasi geometri hexagonal cell honeycomb mengungkapkan terjadinya peningkatan nilai kemampuan menerima beban secara signifikan sebesar 44 % model hexagonal cell 2 mm dan lonjakan sebesar 15% model hexagonal cell 4 mm. Geometri hexagonal cell 2 mm dan 4 mm berurutan menunjukkan konstribusi positif terhadap kemampuan menerima beban statik sebesar 39,9 kN dan 30,6 kN. Dampak peningkatan nilai beban secara signifikan didekati melalui persamaan linier y = -6x + 44,333.</em></p> 2024-03-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Renewable Energy and Mechanics THE EFFECT OF ANNEALING TEMPERATURE ON THE TENSILE STRENGTH OF POLYLACTIC ACID FILAMENT PRINTED BY 3D PRINTER 2024-01-15T17:51:46+07:00 Leo Hutri Wicaksono [email protected] Muhammad Ghazali Arrahim [email protected] <p><em>The development of the industrial world is getting faster from time to time. The manufacturing industry is one of the industries that is very developed, especially in the use of technology. Although there have been some studies on the tensile strength of PLA filaments however, it is not yet clear about the effect of annealing treatment on the tensile strength of PLA filaments from 3D printers. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the effect of annealing temperature on the tensile strength of polylactic acid material printed by 3D printers. This research uses experimental methods with the following conditions: The filament used is polylactic acid (PLA), specimens are printed to ISO 527-2 standard and the annealing treatment temperature are 50⁰C and 70⁰C. From the results of testing and data analysis that has been carried out, it can be concluded that annealing treatment is quite influential on the tensile strength value of polylactic acid (PLA) materials. The greater the annealing temperature, the higher the tensile strength value. At 50⁰C annealing the average tensile strength value is 15.89 MPa, while at 70⁰C annealing the average tensile strength value is 16.66 MPa</em><em>.</em></p> 2024-03-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Renewable Energy and Mechanics THE EFFECT OF FRICTION TIME VARIATIONS ON DISSIMILAR MATERIAL WELDING JOINTS AND HARDNESS VALUE USING A BAR-PLATE ROTARY FRICTION WELDING MACHINE 2024-01-17T10:50:50+07:00 Jimmi pranata Sinabutar [email protected] Yohanes [email protected] <p>This research aims to determine the effect of variations in friction time on welded joints of dissimilar materials and hardness values. The method used is the friction welding method. One of the materials widely used in industrial products is mild steel AISI 1037 and stainless steel 304. One of the tools used is a bar-plate upright rotary friction welding machine. The parameters used are friction time variations of 25-35 seconds, 55-65 seconds and 115-125 seconds with a rotational speed of 2,484 rpm, friction pressure of 0.5 MPa, forging pressure of 0.7 MPa, forging time of 10 seconds. From the results of the connection several tests were carried out, namely liquid penetrant , macro observation and hardness test. The results of liquid penetrant testing and macro observations showed no influence on the welding area. The results of hardness testing have an influence on the hardness value. In the interface area, the friction time variation of 120 seconds has the highest hardness value of 161.67 VHN. The lowest hardness value in the interface area with a friction time variation of 30 seconds is 152.90 VHN. Where the longer the friction time, the hardness value also increases.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-03-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Renewable Energy and Mechanics DEVELOPMENT OF A VERSATILE SLIER THAT HAS THREE VARIETIES OF SPEED BASED ON ANDROID USING ARDUINO TYPE R3 AS MICROCONTROLLER 2022-06-24T11:42:42+07:00 Fauzi Alfandi Siregar [email protected] Dedikarni [email protected] <p><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p> <p>Di Pekanbaru saat ini banyak dijumpai Industri rumahan yang pada umumnya masih menggunakan sistem manual dengan menggunakan pisau dan membutuhkan banyak tenaga kerja,sehingga tidaklah efesien maka dari itu perlu alat yang lebih efektif untuk menyelesaikan masalah pada industri rumahan tersebut. Hasil dari produksi manual tersebut memiliki rata-rata 20kg/hari, namun bagi Industri rumahan ini kurang efektif&nbsp; karena memakan waktu dan tenaga yang lebih banyak.</p> <p>Di penggembangan alat ini menggunakan varian tiga kecepatan yang dapat diatur menggunakan sistem bluetooth yang bisa dihubungkan ke android, untuk mata pisau menggunakan variasi 4 mata pisau dan menambahkan batrai aki 12V agar bisa digunakan pada saat listrik tidak menyala, pada pegembangan ini peneliti juga menambahkan kerangka untuk alat penggiris serbaguna ini agar lebih mudah untuk dipindahkan.</p> <p>Dalam penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa alat pengiris ini dapat direkomendasikan untuk industri kecil hingga menengah dan juga dapat&nbsp; membantu para wirausaha meningkatkan hasil produksi yang dahulunya menghasilkan 20kg/hari sementara pada penelitian kali ini hasil produksi bisa menghasilkan 111kg/hari, serta menimalisir kecelakaan kerja yang ditimbulkan akibat <em>human error</em>.</p> 2024-03-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Renewable Energy and Mechanics