IT Journal Research and Development <p style="text-align: justify;"><span id="result_box" class="" lang="en"><strong>IT Journal Research and Development (ITJRD)</strong> is a <span class="">scientific journal</span> that was built by the Engineering Department of Informatics, <span class="">Riau Islamic University</span> <span class="">to</span> <span class="">provide</span> a means <span class="">for academics</span> <span class="">and</span> <span class="">researchers to</span> <span class="">publish papers</span> <span class="">and scientific works</span> <span class="">in the</span> <span class="">field of</span> <span class="">Information Technology</span>. <span class="">The scope of</span> this journal covers <span class="">research</span> in the field of informatics engineering, <span class="">computer science</span>, computer networks<span class="">, information systems</span>, <span class="">graphic design</span>, <span class="">image</span> and multimedia management. ITJRD is based journal OJS (Open Journal System) and has been indexed by <strong>Science and Technology Index (SINTA), BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine), Google Scholar, Index Copernicus International (ICI), Indonesian Publication Index (IPI), Cosmos Impact Factor and a CrossRef Member</strong>. An indexing by other organizations is being <span class="">done</span> <span class="">in the nearest future</span><span class="">.</span></span></p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><span class="" lang="en"><span class=""><strong>ACCREDITED by Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia,&nbsp;No.14/E/KPT/2019, Mei 10, 2019</strong></span></span></p> en-US <!--p><span class="tlid-translation translation" lang="id"><span class="" title="">Ini adalah jurnal akses terbuka yang berarti bahwa semua konten tersedia secara gratis tanpa biaya kepada pengguna atau lembaganya.</span> <span class="" title="">Hak cipta dalam teks artikel individu (termasuk artikel penelitian, artikel opini, dan abstrak) adalah milik penulis masing-masing, tunduk pada lisensi Creative Commons CC-BY-SA yang diberikan kepada semua orang lain.</span> <span class="" title="">ITJRD memungkinkan penulis untuk memegang hak cipta tanpa batasan dan memungkinkan penulis untuk mempertahankan hak penerbitan tanpa batasan.</span></span></p--> <p>This is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. The copyright in the text of individual articles (including research articles, opinion articles, and abstracts) is the property of their respective authors, subject to a Creative Commons CC-BY-SA licence granted to all others.&nbsp;ITJRD allows the author(s) to hold the copyright without restrictions and allows the author to retain publishing rights without restrictions.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> (Yudhi Arta, ST., M.Kom) (Abdul Syukur, S.Kom., M.Kom) Thu, 15 Feb 2024 18:07:29 +0700 OJS 60 Enhancing Stock Price Prediction Using Stacked Long Short-Term Memory <p>This research explores the Stacked Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) model for stock price prediction using a dataset obtained from Yahoo Finance. The main objective is to assess the effectiveness of the model in capturing stock price patterns and making accurate predictions. The dataset consists of stock prices for the top 10 companies listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange from July 6, 2015, to October 14, 2021. The model is trained and evaluated using metrics such as RMSE, MAE, MAPE, and R2. The average values of these metrics for the predictions indicate promising results, with an average RMSE of 0.00885, average MAE of 0.00800, average MAPE of 0.02496, and an average R2 of 0.9597. These findings suggest that the Stacked LSTM model can effectively capture stock price patterns and make accurate predictions. The research contributes to the field of stock price prediction and highlights the potential of deep learning techniques in financial forecasting.</p> Mohammad Diqi, I Wayan Ordiyasa, Hamzah Hamzah Copyright (c) 2024 Mohammad Diqi, I Wayan Ordiyasa, Hamzah Hamzah Wed, 27 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0700 User Interface Analysis of PeduliLindungi Application to Improve User Experience with The Heuristic Evaluation Method <p>The Covid-19 pandemic limits human activities every day. The spread of the virus is uncontrollable, it can attack anyone, anytime, and anywhere. As a solution, the use of the PeduliLindungi application technology developed by the Ministry of Communication and Information in collaboration with other relevant Ministries and Institutions is used to help track the spread of viruses and understand preventive measures to stop their spread. Research was conducted on the appearance of the application's User Interface using the Heuristic Evaluation method to measure its usefulness. However, there are several problems experienced by users, namely the information is not updated (vaccines and Covid-19 tests), the language used is inconsistent, and others. Questionnaire testing with 10 questions based on 10 Heuristic Evaluation criteria was distributed via Google Form to 33 respondents. Then, carry out validity and reliability tests with the research results obtained Valid and Reliable. as well as testing the hypothesis of all Learnability, Efficiency, Memorability, and Error Prevention factors, based on usability and user satisfaction aspects, questionnaire items all test results are accepted and there are no serious problems. However, there are a number of things that need to be improved so that the application can run more optimally.</p> Johanes Fernandes Andry, Monica Clara, William Chandra, Marco Antonio, Devi Yurisca Bernanda Copyright (c) 2023 Johanes Fernandes Andry, Monica Clara, William Chandra, Marco Antonio, Devi Yurisca Bernanda Thu, 15 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Accuracy potential of the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) in recognizing traditional clothing <p>The diversity of cultures in Indonesia is proof that Indonesia is a country that is rich in cultural diversity. Many foreign tourists who want to know about culture in Indonesia are not directly proportional to the media to introduce culture in Indonesia. Therefore, this study aims to classify images of traditional clothing by detecting images of traditional clothing sent to the application to determine the name of the traditional soldier. These images will be converted into vectors and processed to find the closest similarity level. The Deep Learning method which currently has the most significant results in image recognition is the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). The analysis carried out resulted in an accuracy of 0.7934 with an epoch of 20 and a data set of 700 data. The accuracy value is 0.7934 which is a large enough number to determine the correct classification of image objects. This is proven by testing on 10 different images and only 1 image is inaccurate with 90% accuracy.</p> Herwinsyah Herwinsyah, Dery Yuswanto Jaya Copyright (c) 2023 Herwinsyah Herwinsyah, Dery Yuswanto Jaya Wed, 20 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Identification of Risk Factors in the Software Design Stage Using the C4.5 Algorithm <p>A strong design phase is necessary for good software. However, design errors in software can cause serious issues with its creation and use. Therefore, the goal of this study is to find risk variables that could have an early impact on software development. In this study, a machine learning technique called technique C4.5 is employed to create decision tree models. 100 respondents with software design experience participated in the online surveys and questionnaires that collected the data for this study in 2022. The C4.5 Algorithm was used in this study to analyze the data and determine the risk variables that affect the success of software design. The study's findings show that the C4.5 Algorithm-based model has a high level of accuracy (93.33%), which means that the data can offer crucial insights into understanding potential risks that may arise during the software design stage, enabling software developers to take the necessary precautions to lessen or eliminate these risks. In order to enhance the caliber and effectiveness of software design, this research is anticipated to provide a significant contribution to practitioners and academics in the field of software development.</p> M. Akiyasul Azkiya, Deva Sindi Maulita, Jumanto Copyright (c) 2024 M. Akiyasul Azkiya, Deva Sindi Maulita, Jumanto Thu, 15 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 The Role of the Principal as an Educator in Developing Capability Teacher Information And Communication Technology <p>The demands of teachers in this era require teachers to continue to develop with the times. It is the responsibility of the principal to help teachers improve their abilities. This study aims to determine the role, obstacles and solutions of the principal as an educator in developing the Information and Communication Technology skills of teachers at SD Negeri 109 Pekanbaru. This study used descriptive qualitative method. Data collection techniques using interviews, observation and documentation review. Testing the validity of the data using triangulation. Data analysis techniques namely data collection, data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results showed that the principal had tried to carry out his role as an educator in developing teachers' ICT skills. The conclusion from the research results is that the role of the principal as an educator in developing teachers' ICT skills is carried out with strategies that have been prepared such as, involving teachers in all ICT-based training and providing opportunities for teachers to increase knowledge and skills, creating a conducive school atmosphere by completing infrastructure ICT and complement teaching materials by checking ICT teaching materials used by teachers in learning, providing guidance and advice at regular meetings or meetings and providing motivation such as giving praise to teachers who have contributed a lot to the school.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Putri Indah Sari, Dea Mustika, Rizky Wandri Copyright (c) 2024 Putri Indah Sari, Dea Mustika, Rizky Wandri Thu, 15 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 A Reinforcement Learning Review: Past Acts, Present Facts and Future Prospects <p>Reinforcement Learning (RL) is fast gaining traction as a major branch of machine learning, its applications have expanded well beyond its typical usage in games. Several subfields of reinforcement learning like deep reinforcement learning and multi-agent reinforcement learning are also expanding rapidly. This paper provides an extensive review on the field from the point of view of Machine Learning (ML). It begins by providing a historical perspective on the field then proceeds to lay a theoretical background on the field. It further discusses core reinforcement learning problems and approaches taken by different subfields before discussing the state of the art in the field. An inexhaustive list of applications of reinforcement learning is provided and their practicability and scalability assessed. The paper concludes by highlighting some open areas or issues in the field</p> Benjamin Kommey, Oniti Jesutofunmi Isaac, Elvis Tamakloe, Daniel Opoku4 Copyright (c) 2024 Benjamin Kommey, Oniti Jesutofunmi Isaac, Elvis Tamakloe, Daniel Opoku4 Thu, 15 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700