DISCOVERY JOURNAL 2022-08-01T07:53:55+07:00 Admin Jurnal [email protected] Open Journal Systems <p>Discovery Journal (ISSN 2337- 7208)<em>&nbsp;</em>is a<em>&nbsp;</em>peer-reviewed journal that seeks to advance knowledge and practice in all areas of English Foreign Language Teaching, linguistics, and literature which have not been published elsewhere. The journal publishes empirical, theoretical, methodological, and practice-oriented articles and book reviews covering topics relevant to EFL Teaching, linguistics, and literature, particular consideration is given to empirical (research-based) articles using quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methodology. Each issue of this journal is not limited to comprehensive syntheses of studies towards developing new understandings of English teaching but also explores scholarly analyses of issues and trends in the field. Discovery Journal is published triannual (April, August, and December).</p> An Analysis of Writing Anxiety of the Second Semester Student at English Language Study Program of FKIP UIR 2022-07-31T08:03:26+07:00 Dewi Popita Sari [email protected] Fauzul Etfita [email protected] <p><em>The objective of this research is to find out writing anxiety of the second semester students’ at English Language Education study program of FKIP UIR. The design of this research is mixed method that consist of descriptive research and qualitative research approach. The participants of this study were 50 students of class B. The researcher chose the sample randomly. The researcher uses two kinds of questionnaires as the research instruments. The first questionnaire is adapted from Masriani (2018), while the second questionnaire was adapted from Rezaei &amp; Jafari (2014). Analysis of data from this study was applied by using a likert scale. The result from questionnaire showed that students know about types and causes of their writing anxiety. Besides that, they also get some benefits from knowing the types and causes writing anxiety, such it makes them to learn more and prepare themselves before writing. So, they become confidence to write, without having the anxious feeling.</em></p> 2022-04-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2022 DISCOVERY JOURNAL A Study of Conversational Implicature in the Old Man and the Sea Novel Written by Ernest Hemingway 2022-07-31T08:05:17+07:00 Muhammad Qordawi [email protected] Rugaiyah [email protected] <p><em>The purposes of this research are (1) to find the kinds of conversational implicature; (2) to find the purposes of the conversational implicature found in The Old Man and The Sea Novel Written by Ernest Hemingway. This research was designed as qualitative research. The data were collected from the old man and the sea novel. The researcher obtained the data by reading it first, reading all the novel and understand the story. Second, categorizing the conversational implicature from the conversation in the novel. Third, analyzing the conversation and find the purposes of conversational implicature. In the data analysis, the researcher applied interactive qualitative method by (Sugiono, 2017:252) and pragmatic identity method by Hieronimus Canggung Darong (2020). Additionally, the researcher gave more explanation on the discussion part to give more dependability on the data. The result of the research shows There are two types of conversation implications. They are generalized conversational implications and specific conversational implications. But the implications of conversation are to provide and entertain information, self-defense, power, and etiquette. In summary, generalized conversational implications often occur in dialogue between main character.</em></p> 2022-04-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2022 DISCOVERY JOURNAL An Analysis of Grammatical Cohesion Found in Barack Obama’s Speech 2022-07-31T08:43:35+07:00 Faroz Hizbullah [email protected] Seno H Putra [email protected] Andi Idayani [email protected] <p><em>The purpose of this research was to find out the types of grammatical cohesion devices in Barack Obama's speech Grammatical cohesion deals with grammatical and semantic connections. Grammatical cohesion belongs to the various grammatical devices that can be used to make relations between one sentence and the other sentences to be more explicit. Based on the theory by Halliday and Hassan (1976) provide the basic categories of grammatical cohesion pointing that can systematize this concept by classifying it into a small number of distinct categories. They are Reference, Substitution, Ellipsis, and Conjunction In this research, the researcher was conducted to analyze grammatical cohesion devices, especially in Barack Obama The Ex-President of US4. The research design of this research was descriptive research by using a qualitative approach. This was based on investigating involving description, calculating, and analysis. There was only one variable in the research namely Grammatical Cohesion The researcher took the data by downloading five selected episodes of speech led by Barack Obama It was about 5 appendix of trances between the Speaker and the Hearer m Barack Obama Speech in Public. The findings of this research showed that found some utterances of Barack Obama in those five chosen episodes. Based on the data analysis, there are References about 77 data. The researcher found Substitution about data of this research. Furthermore, the researcher found Elipsis about 4 data of this research. Then, Conjunction found in this research around 59 data. The most frequent strategy used by Barack Obama is References, most frequently used References and Conjunction.</em></p> 2022-04-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2022 DISCOVERY JOURNAL The Implementation of Teaching English Language Based on 2013 Curriculum at Private Elementary Schools of Bukit Raya District Pekanbaru 2022-07-31T08:54:13+07:00 Riefky Rahmanda [email protected] Marhamah [email protected] <p>The curriculum is made to improve education in our nation. English language education is one of it. &nbsp;Now a day, &nbsp;most schools in &nbsp;Indonesia use &nbsp;2013 curriculum. In the 2013 curriculum, the English language is erased from the main material to additional material in elementary schools. The purpose of this study is to find how did &nbsp;English teachers &nbsp;at elementary schools&nbsp; of &nbsp;Bukit &nbsp;Raya district &nbsp;Pekanbaru implement the 2013 curriculum and what kind of difficulties faced by them. This paper is mixed research. To collect the data, the researcher followed the stages as (1) made an appointment with English teachers at Bukit Raya district Pekanbaru. (2) The researcher interviewed the English teachers in order to find teachers’ difficulties in implementing 2013 curriculum. (3) The researcher provides 10 questionnaires to answer how English teachers implemented the 2013 curriculum. After analyzing the data, it is identified that media, song and games are the main support in teaching the English language. The difficulties usually the teacher faced depends on the students it selves.</p> 2022-04-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2022 DISCOVERY JOURNAL An Analysis on Teacher’s Strategy in Teaching Reading Comprehension at SMP YLPI Marpoyan Pekanbaru 2022-07-31T09:32:07+07:00 Dilla Septianda [email protected] Shalawati [email protected] <p><em>This study was carried out to know what is the strategy used by the teacher in teaching reading at SMP YLPI Marpoyan Pekanbaru. The researcher expected the more teaching strategy is applied by the teachers in teaching reading, the more students enjoyable and understand how to be good reader. Design of this&nbsp; research as descriptive qualitative design, in which researcher describe strategy of teaching reading used by teachers to students at SMP YLPI Marpoyan Pekanbaru. This research had only one variable, it was strategy of teaching reading that used by teachers. The teachers utilized two strategies in teaching reading of the first and third year students in the classroom namely: Repeated Reading strategy and SQ3R strategy. The teachers utilized generally the indicator of the Repeated Reading strategy that they utilized in classroom. Total points of strategy on teacher A utilizing SQ3R strategy 4 points and the total points of strategy on teacher B utilizing SQ3R strategy 5 points. It can conclude that the teacher utilized generally the indicator of the strategy that her utilized in teaching reading comprehension in the classroom. Result of interview as additional information to know teacher teaching learning process used Repeated Reading and SQ3R strategies. Teacher ever used SQ3R technique and Repeated Reading strategies in teaching reading comprehension in previous class. The writer observed, she used material appropriate with the strategy. Teacher utilize this strategy in order to make students easy in comprehend learning material, since they frequently reread the content and discover the translation of difficult words, so it make them straightforward the understanding content.</em></p> 2022-04-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2022 DISCOVERY JOURNAL A Study on Students’ Digital Literacy in Reading Comprehension at SMAN 5 Pekanbaru 2022-07-31T14:55:46+07:00 Ratimaya Nadia Frima [email protected] Miranti Eka Putri [email protected] <p><em>The objectives of this research were to find out how are students’ digital literacy at SMAN 5 Pekanbaru. This research focuses on how are students’ digital literacy of second-grade class MIPA 2 SMAN 5 Pekanbaru. The research design of this study was a case study. There is one class that was being sampled that was consisted of 35 students which were 35 students of class MIPA 2. The instrument of this research was an open questionnaire of digital literacy indicators. In this research digital literacy consisted of four factors containing 12 indicators. The first factor and its related operation skills consisted of cognition, invention, and presentation. The second factor was thinking skills consisting of analysis, evaluation, and creativity. The third factor was collaboration skills consisting of teamwork, networking, and sharing. The fourth factor was awareness skills consisting of ethics, legal literacy, and safeguarding self. students' digital literacy can be seen by indicators of digital literacy by finding out from students' answers on the questionnaire. The researcher analyzed the data that find out that were 33 students of 35 students that answer the question in cognition, 29 of students answer the question in the invention, 32 students answer the question in presentation, 33 students answer the question in analysis, 33 students answer the question in evaluation, 34 students answer the question in creativity, 35 students answer the question in teamwork, 35 students answer the question in networking, 35 students answer the question in sharing, 32 students answer the question in ethics, 33 students answer the question in legal literacy, 33 students answer the question in safeguarding self. Most of the students who answer that questions seem like they understand and have their opinion about learning in digital literacy. These results were employed to develop digital literacy students at SMAN 5 Pekanbaru.</em></p> 2022-04-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2022 DISCOVERY JOURNAL An Analysis on Students’ Listening Comprehension Problems at the Third Semester English Language Education of Universitas Islam Riau 2022-08-01T07:52:06+07:00 Erza Muhammad Ikhsan [email protected] Syofianis Ismail [email protected] <p><em>This study &nbsp;discussed &nbsp;about&nbsp; Difficulties &nbsp;Faced &nbsp;by &nbsp;Third &nbsp;Semester &nbsp;Students toward&nbsp; Listening&nbsp; Comprehension.&nbsp; The aim &nbsp;of &nbsp;the study were &nbsp;to&nbsp; find &nbsp;out&nbsp; the problems most encountered by students from three major problems, there are Quality of Listening material, Unfamiliar Vocabulary, Length and Speed of Listening. The research was conducted in State Islamic University of Riau. Descriptive method was used to analyze and to find the result about the problems. The population of this study was third semester students of English Language Education Department of teacher training and education faculty Academic year 2019/2020. The number of population was 98 students from two classes. Total sampling technique was used to select all students as the subject in this study. Data was gathered by questionnaire and interview was used to confirm students’ answer. The data showed that the quality of recorded material was problem faced by most students. The conclusion is Quality of recorded material was the main problem that most frequently encountered by students, followed by unfamiliar vocabulary, length and speed of listening. Knowing about students’ major problems can motivate and help the lecturers to develop effective learning strategies for the students to improve their listening abilities. It provided solutions also to overcome the problems were: the teacher should adapt and improve listening material, activate students’ vocabulary, give some strategies in listening and always motivate students. The results of the study may also be useful for those who are interested in this study.</em></p> 2022-04-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2022 DISCOVERY JOURNAL An Analysis of Illocutionary Acts Found in Joe Biden’s Victory Speech as a President 2022-08-01T07:53:55+07:00 Diah Nawang Wulan [email protected] Yulianto [email protected] <p><em>In this research the researcher discussed the Illocutionary Acts in</em><em> the utterances of Joe Biden's Victory Speech as a President. The aim of this research is to find out the types of Illocutionary Acts and Identify the context in Joe Biden's Victory Speech as a President. The researcher uses qualitative descriptive analysis method. The researcher collects the data from the script, then classification of the types and describes contexts of Illocutionary Acts. Based on the theories, the data analyzed one by one based on the utterances to know the types and context of illocutionary acts used. In this research, the researcher analyzed fifty one data. From the analysis, the researcher found four types of Illocutionary Acts used by Joe Biden in his victory speech as a president. They are Representative (admitting, announcing, asserting, notifying, proposing, stating, and telling), Commisive (pledging, promising, and wishing), Expressive (apologizing, greeting, thanking, and praising), and Declarative (declaring)</em>.</p> 2022-07-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2022 DISCOVERY JOURNAL An Analysis of Students’ Argumentative Essay Writing Skill of Third Semester of English Language Education-UIR 2022-07-31T17:39:07+07:00 Dinda Ramadhani [email protected] Arimuliani Ahmad [email protected] <p><em>A</em><em>r</em><em>gumentative &nbsp;Essay &nbsp;refers &nbsp;to &nbsp;kinds&nbsp; of &nbsp;essay &nbsp;writing &nbsp;that &nbsp;are organized around a clear thesis. The writing aims to argue the controversial topic or issue to persuade readers to accept or agree with the writer’s point of view. Therefore, the aimed of this study is to know the third semester students writing skill in writing argumentative essay. This research was conducted by using qualitative. The participants were the third semester sttudents of academic year 2020/2021. The total of the participants were 95 students. To minimize or to get the sample, the researcher used purposive sampling. B Class became the sample of this research. To obtain the data the researcher used written test. The result of this research showed that the third semester students skill in writing argumentative essay was good. It can be seen there were 58% students belong to good category, 22% students belong to excellent category and 11% students belong to average category and the last 9% students belong to poor category. Furthermore, it can be a consideration of deciding appropriate method and media to increase the quality of students’ writing.</em></p> 2022-04-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2022 DISCOVERY JOURNAL An Analysis of English Oral Communication Apprehension of the Third Semester Students at English Language Education of FKIP UIR 2022-08-01T07:50:04+07:00 Sisi Adella [email protected] Muhammad Ilyas [email protected] <p><em>T</em><em>here are various factors affecting the learning of speaking in a foreign language, one of them was oral communication apprehension (CA). Communication apprehension (CA) is defined as an individual’s level of fear or anxiety associated with either real or anticipated communication with another person or persons. The objective of the research is to know the level of oral communication apprehension of the third semester students at English Language Education Study Program of FKIP UIR</em>. <em>The research is a quantitative descriptive research</em><em>. It was </em><em>c</em><em>onducted at English Study Program of FKIP UIR Pekanbaru</em><em>. The population of this research was </em><em>the Third Semester Student at English Language Education Study Program of FKIP UIR which is consisted of 2 classes. The sample of this research was chosen by purposive sampling. The sample was 3B class which consist of 47 students. Questionnaire and interview were used as Instrument of this Research.</em> <em>Based on the research finding it was found that the Level of oral communication apprehension of the Third Semester Student at English Language Education Study Program of FKIP UIR with a total of students 45 students is in moderate level. In detail it showed that 5 students with a category of high level of oral communication apprehension with the percentage 11,1% of the total numbers of students, 30 students with category of Moderate level of oral communication apprehension with the percentage 66,7% of the total numbers of students, and 10 students with category of low level of oral communication apprehension with the percentage 22,2% of the total numbers of students.</em></p> 2022-04-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2022 DISCOVERY JOURNAL